Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Vcm Forex

Reliance Industries Ltd. Il Gruppo Reliance, fondato da Dhirubhai H. Ambani. è India39s più grande impresa del settore privato, con le imprese della catena del valore dell'energia e dei materiali. La compagnia di bandiera, Reliance Industries Limited, è una società Fortune 500 globale ed è la più grande società del settore privato in India. Dhirubhai Ambani Reliance fondata come azienda tessile e ha portato la sua evoluzione come leader mondiale nei materiali e le imprese catena del valore dell'energia. E 'stato nel 1957, quando è tornato in India dopo un periodo di lavoro con A. Besseamp Co. Aden ha iniziato la propria attività di trading filato da una piccola 500 mq ufficio in Masjid Bunder, Mumbai. he installato il suo nuovo mulino a Naroda, Gujarat. Nel 1996 Reliance ha continuato a diventare il più grande marchio tessile Solo Vimal. Nel 1977 la Reliance Industries tessile è venuto con una IPO che è stata sottoscritta in eccesso sette volte. Reliance gode di una leadership globale nelle sue imprese, è il più grande filato di poliestere e produttore di fibre al mondo e tra i primi cinque a dieci produttori in tutto il mondo nei principali prodotti petrolchimici. Partendo da una piccola azienda tessile, Reliance ha nel suo cammino attraversato diverse tappe per diventare una società Fortune 500 in meno di 3 anni. Reliance Industries Limited opera world8211class impianti di produzione in tutto il paese ad Allahabad, Barabanki, Dahej, Dhenkanal, Hazira, Hoshiarpur, Jamnagar, Kurkumbh, Nagothane, Nagpur, Naroda, Patalganga, Silvassa e Vadodara. Allahabad Divisione di produzione situato a Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, si sviluppa su 105 acri. E 'dotato di polimerizzazione e le strutture di polimerizzazione in continuo. Barabanki Manufacturing Division situato vicino a Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, si sviluppa su 106 acri. Produce nero in fibra. Dahej Manufacturing Division situato vicino a Bharuch, Gujarat, si sviluppa su 1.778 acri. Si compone di una unità di etano propano di recupero, un cracker di gas, un impianto di cloro caustica e 4 impianti a valle, che producono polimeri e intermedi fibra. Dhenkanal Divisione di produzione situato a Baulpur, Orissa, si sviluppa su 227 acri. Essa produce fibra di poliestere in fiocco. Hoshiarpur Divisione di produzione situato a Hoshiarpur, Punjab, si sviluppa su 69 acri. Si produce una vasta gamma di FPF, PFF, POY e poliestere chip. Hazira Divisione di produzione situato vicino a Surat, Gujarat, si sviluppa su 700 acri. Si compone di un cracker nafta alimentazione intermedi fibra a valle, materie plastiche e piante in poliestere. Jamnagar Divisione di produzione situato a Jamnagar, Gujarat, si sviluppa su 7.400 acri. Si compone di una raffineria di petrolio e impianti petrolchimici associati. La raffineria è in grado di perfezionare i vari tipi di petrolio greggio (greggio aspro, dolce greggio o una miscela di entrambi) e produce vari tipi di carburante da benzina per motori a turbina Aviation Fuel (ATF). Gli impianti petrolchimici produce materie plastiche e prodotti intermedi in fibra. Kurkumbh Divisione di produzione situato vicino a Pune, Maharashtra, si sviluppa su 34 acri. Essa produce intermedi in fibra. Nagothane Divisione di produzione situato a Raigad, Maharashtra, si sviluppa su 1.860 acri. Si compone di un cracker di gas etano e propano e cinque impianti a valle per la produzione di polimeri, intermedi e prodotti chimici in fibra. Nagpur Divisione di produzione situato a Nagpur, Maharashtra, si sviluppa su 368 acri. Essa produce filati di poliestere, prodotti speciali dope8211dyed di diverse categorie, filato completamente disegnato e patatine poliestere. Naroda Divisione di produzione situato nei pressi di Ahmedabad, Gujarat, è RIL primo impianto di produzione e si sviluppa su 150 acri. Questo impianto di produzione tessuti sintetici e tessuti produce e commercializza tessuti e tessuti a maglia per tessuti per la casa, atto a soddisfare sintetico e pettinato e camiceria, pronti ad indossare indumenti e tessuti per auto. Patalganga Divisione di produzione situato vicino a Mumbai, Maharashtra, si sviluppa su 200 acri. Si compone di poliestere, fibra di prodotti intermedi e lineare alklyl impianti di produzione benzene. Silvassa Divisione Manufacturing situate nel territorio dell'Unione di Dadra e Nagar Haveli, si sviluppa su 127 acri. Si produce una vasta gamma di prodotti speciali, come Recron Stretch, Lino Come, Melange, Thick8211n8211thin e filati Bi8211shrinkage. Vadodara Divisione di produzione situato a Vadodara, Gujarat, si sviluppa su 1.263 acri. Si compone di un cracker nafta e 15 impianti a valle per la produzione di polimeri, fibre, intermedi e prodotti chimici in fibra. L'azienda lavora in diversi settori di attività: Esplorazione e Produzione di petrolio Raffinazione e Marketing Petrolchimica Tessile Vendita al dettaglio prodotti e marchi offerti dalla società: Il petrolio greggio e gas naturale GPL propilenico nafta Benzina Jet Aviation combustibile della turbina Superior cherosene olio ad alta velocità Diesel zolfo Petroleum Coke in polipropilene ad alta densità polietilene a bassa densità polietilene lineare a bassa densità di polietilene cloruro di polivinile Poly olefinici Suitings, camiceria, Readymade Garments tessuti d'arredamento Giorno delle tende Suitings tappezzeria Automotive Ready8211to8211stitch Togliete tessuto Fleet servizi di assistenza servizi di servizi di gestione della strada principale veicolo alchil benzene lineari Paraxilene tereftalico purificato acido glicole monoetilenico Staple Fibre Fibre Per filati texturizzata filato ritorto filo di umidità filato gestione della qualità certificato prodotti sonno polietilene tereftalato Società controllate: Reliance Petroleum Limited Reliance Netherlands BV Reliance Retail Limited Reliance Jamnagar Infrastructure limitata Reliance Haryana SEZ limitata Reliance investimenti industriali e Holdings Limited Reliance Ventures Limited Reliance Strategic Investments Limited Reliance Exploration e Produzione DMCC Reliance Industries (Medio Oriente) DMCC Reliance Global Management Services Limited Reliance commerciale Associates Limited RIL (Australia) Pty Ltd Recron (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Golfo africano Petroleum Corporation (Mauritius) GAPCO Tanzania limitata GAPOil Tanzania limitata GAPCO Kenya limitata TransEnergy Kenia limitata GAPCO Uganda limitata GAPCO Ruanda Sarl GAPOil Distribution (Zanzibar) Limited Reliance Fresh limitata al dettaglio Concetti e servizi (India) Limited Reliance Insurance dettaglio Broking limitata Reliance Dairy Foods Limited Reliance retail Finance Limited RESQ limitata Reliancedigital retail Limited Reliance finanziari e di consulenza Services Limited Reliance Hypermart limitata Reliance Travel Retail amp Forex Services Limited Reliance Brands Ltd Reliance benessere limitata Reliance Footprint Ltd Reliance integrate Agri Solutions Limited Reliance Trends limitata Reliance Lifestyle Holdings Limited Reliance universale Ventures Limited Reliance Autozone limitati strategici Manpower Solutions Limited Reliance gemme e gioielli limitata Delight Proteine ​​limitata Reliance FampB Services Limited Reliance Agri Prodotti distribuzione limitata Reliance Svaghi limitati Reliance retail Titoli e Broking Company Limited Reliance Home Store limitati Reliance Trade Services Centre Limited Reliance Food Processing Solutions Limited Reliance Supply Chain Solutions Limited Reliance fedeltà e Analylitics limitata Reliance Digital media Limited Reliance8211GrandOptical Private Limited Reliance Vantage retail Limited Reliance Persone Servire limitata Reliance Infrastructure Management Services Limited Reliance Exploration International e produzione, Inc Reliance Petroinvestments limitata Reliance universale commerciale limitata Reliance globale commerciale limitata onda Terra sviluppatori limitata Reliance Cipro limitata Reliance Global business BV Reliance Global Energy Services Limited Reliance Gas Corporation Limited Reliance Global Energy Servizi (Singapore) Pte. Ltd Reliance Polymers (India) Limited Reliance Poliolefine Private Limited Reliance Aromatics amp Petrochemicals Private Limited Reliance energia e lo sviluppo del progetto Private Limited Reliance Chemicals Private Limited Reliance universale Enterprises Private Limited Reliance Uno Enterprises Limited Reliance Personal Electronics Limited International Oil Trading Limited Reliance Critica Cinema Private Limited Reliance Replay Gaming Private Limited Reliance nutrizionale Food Processors Private Limited Reliance terrestre commerciale amp infrastrutture Private Limited Reliance Eminent Trading amp commerciale Private Limited Reliance Progressive Traders Private Limited Reliance prolifico Traders Private Limited Reliance universale Traders Private Limited Reliance prolifico commerciale Private Limited Reliance Comtrade Private Limited Reliance Ambit commerciale private Limited Reliance aziendale Parco limitata Reliance Petro Marketing private Limited GPL Infrastructure (India) private Limited Reliance Infosolution private Limited RIL USA Inc. RILS I ricavi dell'esercizio 2.012.821,113 mila erano Rs. 371.119 crore (68,4 miliardi), Utile Netto è stato Rs. 21.003 crore (3,9 miliardi), Networth era Rs. 176.766 crore e un totale attivo erano Rs. 318.511 crore, senza pari nel settore privato indiano. Le esportazioni per l'esercizio 2012821113 erano Rs. 239.226 crore (44,1 miliardi), 14 di Indias totale delle esportazioni. RIL ha dichiarato un dividendo di 90. Payout di Rs. 3.092 crore, uno dei più alti nel settore privato indiano. Nel corso dell'anno, RIL firmato 4,5 miliardi di strutture equivalenti, supportate da agenzie di credito all'esportazione, che comprendeva: 2012 ricavi RILS per l'esercizio 2.011.821,112 mila erano Rs. 339.792 crore (66,8 miliardi), Utile Netto è stato Rs. 20.040 crore (3,9 miliardi), Networth era Rs. 166.096 crore e un totale attivo erano Rs. 295.140 crore, senza pari nel settore privato indiano. Le esportazioni per l'esercizio 2011821112 erano Rs. 208.042 crore (40,9 miliardi), 14 di Indias totale delle esportazioni. RIL ha dichiarato un dividendo di 85. Payout di Rs. 2.941 crore, uno dei più alti nel settore privato indiano. Reliance Tenere USA Inc. una filiale wholly8211owned di RIL sollevato 1,0 miliardi attraverso l'emissione di 5,4, 108,211 mila anni garantite Senior Notes nel febbraio 2012. 2011 8211 Ricavi Rs attraversato. 250'000 marchio crore (Rs. 2,58,651 crore, US 58,0 miliardi di euro), Utile attraversato Rs. 20.000 crore marchio (Rs. 20.286 crore, US 4,5 miliardi) e un totale attivo attraversato Rs. 2,80,000 marchio crore (Rs. 2,84,719 crore, US 63,8 miliardi), senza pari nel indiano settore privato. Le esportazioni hanno attraversato Rs. 1,40,000 marchio crore (Rs. 1,46,667 crore, US 32,9 miliardi), 13,4 di India39s esportazioni totali. RIL dichiara dividendo di 80. Payout di Rs 2.385 crore, uno dei più alti nel settore privato indiano. 2010 8211 Ricavi attraversato Rs. 2,00,000 marchio crore (Rs. 2,00,400 crore, US 44,6 miliardi), utile netto attraversato Rs. 16.000 crore marchio (Rs. 16.236 crore, US 3,6 miliardi) e un totale attivo attraversato Rs. 250'000 marchio crore (Rs. 2,51,006 crore, US 55,9 miliardi), senza pari nel indiano settore privato. Le esportazioni hanno attraversato Rs. 1.00.000 marchio crore (Rs. 1,10,176 crore, US 24,5 miliardi), 14,5 di India39s esportazioni totali. RIL dichiara dividendo di 70. Payout di Rs 2.084 crore, uno dei più alti nel settore privato indiano. 2009 8211 Totale Attivo attraversato Rs. 2,00,000 marchio crore (Rs. 2,45,706 crore, US 48,44 miliardi), Networth attraversato Rs. 1.00.000 marchio crore (Rs. 1,26,373 crore, US 24,92 miliardi), senza pari nel indiano settore privato. RIL dichiara dividendo di 130. Payout di Rs 1.897 crore, uno dei più alti nel settore privato indiano. 2008 8211 Ricavi attraversato Rs. 130.000 marchio crore (Rs. 139.269 crore, US 34,7 miliardi), utile netto attraversato Rs. 15.000 crore marchio (Rs. 19.458 crore, US 4,9 miliardi) e un totale attivo attraversato Rs. 140.000 crore marchio (Rs. 149,839crore, Stati Uniti 37,3 miliardi), senza precedenti nel indiano settore privato. Le esportazioni hanno attraversato Rs. 80.000 marchio crore (Rs. 83.492 crore, US 20,8 miliardi), 13,4 di India39s esportazioni totali. RIL dichiara dividendo di 130. Payout di Rs 1.631 crore, il più alto nel settore privato indiano. 2007 8211 Ricavi attraversato Rs. 100.000 marchio crore (Rs. 118.354 crore, 27 miliardi), utile netto attraversato Rs. 10.000 crore marchio (Rs. 11.943 crore, US 2,75 miliardi) e un totale attivo attraversato Rs. 100.000 marchio crore (Rs. 117.353 crore, 27 miliardi), senza pari nel indiano settore privato. Le esportazioni hanno attraversato Rs. 60.000 crore marchio (Rs. 66.627 crore, 15 miliardi), 12 di India39s esportazioni totali. RIL dichiara dividendo di 110. Payout di Rs 1.440 crore, il più alto nel settore privato indiano. 2006 8211 RIL colloca 300 milioni di US Private Placement mercato. Prima azienda indiana per raccogliere fondi attraverso questo percorso. RIL dichiara dividendo di 100. Payout di Rs 1.393 crore, più alto nel settore privato. RPL una consociata di RIL completa la sua US 1,2 miliardi l'offerta pubblica iniziale di azioni di capitale con una risposta superiore tra le diverse classi di investitori. Chevron per acquistare 5 Importo in RPL per 300 milioni. Opzione Aumento per puntata a 29. 2005 8211 lancia US 348 milioni di Sindacato Term Loan Facility. Mira a sostituire esistenti prestiti ad alto costo. Reliance Chiude con successo 350 milioni di multi valuta Term Loan. 2004 8211 Reliance segni 116,2 milioni di euro Export Credit Agency (ECA) sostenuti Buyer39s Credit Facility fornito da Deutsche Bank. RIL avvale una copertura ECA per la prima volta in 22 anni. Reliance emerge come India39s Greenest società del settore privato tra il settore privato, con un grado complessivo di numero due in una BT 8211 ACNielsen ORG8211MARG indagine della percezione degli azionisti pubblicato nel numero di affari Today39s ottobre. Reliance Industries conclude re8211pricing di 687.50 milioni di prestiti sindacati durata del prestito. Reliance Group emerge come India39s più grande creatore di ricchezza nel settore privato per l'anno 2003 2003821104. 8211 RIL 8211 Prima azienda del settore privato indiano di registrare un utile netto di oltre Rs 4.000 crore in un esercizio finanziario. 2002 8211 RIL 8211 Prima azienda del settore privato indiano per registrare utile netto di oltre Rs. 1.000 crore in un trimestre. Reliance tra le dieci aziende più meritevoli di credito in Asia. Reliance completa l'acquisizione di IPCL. 2001 8211 RPL solleva 750 milioni di prestito sindacato 8211 affare affare del mercato dei capitali di nome dell'anno dalla IFR Asia. Gruppo Ricavi Rs trasversali. 60.000 crore (Rs. 60,160 crore), Reliance diventa il più grande gruppo d'affari in India. RIL e RPL diventano India39s due più grandi aziende in termini di tutti i principali parametri finanziari. 2000 8211 Rs Gruppo profitti croce. 2.500 crore marchio, Ricavi Rs croce. 20.000 crore marchio (Rs. 21,541 crore) e un totale attivo attraversano Rs. 50.000 crore (Rs. 52,094 crore). 1998 8211 Totale Attivo attraversare Rs. 35.000 crore (Rs. 35.445 crore) e ricavi Rs croce. 14.000 crore (Rs. 14.115 crore). 1997 8211 In primo luogo aziendale in Asia per emettere 50 e 100 anni Bond nel mercato del debito degli Stati Uniti. 1996 8211 Reliance è diventata la prima azienda del settore privato deve essere valutato dalle agenzie di rating internazionali. SampP rating BB, outlook stabile, vincolata dal soffitto Sovrano. Moody39s valutato Baa3, Investment grade, vincolati dai soffitti sovrano. L'utile netto ha superato la soglia Rs.1,000 crore (Rs 1.065 crore o 338 milioni di euro degli Stati Uniti), senza pari nel indiano settore privato. 1994 8211 ha offerto il secondo numero Euro della DDR. 1993 8211 India39s più grande offerta pubblica 8211 Edizione Reliance Petroleum. Offerto il problema prima obbligazionario convertibile Euro 1992 8211 ha stabilito un record con problemi di Reliance gemelle che hanno ricevuto oltre 1 milione di applicazioni investitori. Offerto il primo Problema Euro di Global Depositary Receipts da una società indiana Reliance 1991 8211 commissionato phase8211I di Hazira Petrochemicals Complesso 8211 ha consolidato la propria posizione nel poliesteri ed è entrato in polimeri attraente per le imprese 8211 iniziato impianti CVM e PVC. 1988 8211 Rs trasversali vendite. 1.000 crore marchio (di vendita per la Rs anno. 1.778 crore). 1 987 8211 Reliance ha iniziato l'impianto di alchil benzene lineari (LAB) a Patalganga. 1986 8211 Reliance ha iniziato impianto di PTA a Patalganga. Reliance ha commissionato fibra (PSF) impianto di poliesteri in fiocco a Patalganga. 1985 8211 Totale Attivo attraversare Rs. 1.000 crore. 1977 8211 In primo luogo IPO per l'indiano pubblico. Corporate Ranking e valutazioni: RIL continua ad essere presenti, per il sesto anno consecutivo, nel Fortune Global 500 delle World39s più grandi società, classifica per il 2010 è la seguente: N.175 sulla base di RevenuesRanked 100 sulla base di profitti RIL è classificato 68 in 2010, nella finanziaria Times39 FT Global 500 delle world39s più grandi aziende (dai precedenti year39s rango 75 °). RIL è stato classificato al 20 ° posto, sulla base delle vendite, nella lista ICIS Top 100 sostanze chimiche aziende. RIL è l'unica società indiana nei world39s Top 20 aziende chimiche nella classifica globale. RIL è stato anche nominato come l'8 crescita più elevata nella lista in termini di redditività operativa. RIL è l'unica società indiana per ottenere un punteggio perfetto da CLSA Asia8211Pacific Markets (CLSA) in un elenco di Asia39s migliori aziende in termini di CSR e definito l'impresa come le region39s 39Corporate Buona Guy39. Nel suo rapporto 39Ethical Asia39 2010 CLSA ha nominato tra i suoi RIL prime scelte per la fornitura molto buoni dati e andando ben oltre informativa richiesta. RIL è valutato come il 39Most Innovative Company 33 ° in World39 in un sondaggio condotto dal publication8211 finanziario americano Business Week in collaborazione con il Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Inoltre, nel 2010, BCG ha classificato RIL secondo tra i world39s 10 più grande, 39Sustainable valore Creators39, aziende per la creazione del valore più azionisti per il periodo dal 2000 al 2009. Project Management: EampP Divisione ha ricevuto il Technical Award Petrotech82112010 speciale nella categoria 39Project Management39 per il completamento del loro progetto Krishna Godavari Gas aheadof programma. Ambiente Divisione Manufacturing Allahabad Salute, Sicurezza e ha ricevuto un punteggio di 90 per le sue iniziative ambientali da British Safety Council nel 2010. Divisione Manufacturing Barabanki ricevuto 395 Star Rating sul BSC Environment39 dal British Safety Council nel 2010. Divisione Manufacturing Dahej ricevuto 39Greentech Ambiente Excellence Award 2010 8211 Gold39 per la sua eccellenza in pratiche ambientali da Greentech Foundation nel 2010. Divisione Dahej Manufacturing ha ricevuto il Premio 39National per la prevenzione dell'inquinamento in Petrochemicals Sector39 per la sua eccellenza in pratiche ambientali del Ministero dell'Ambiente amp Foreste, governo dell'India, nel 2010. Dahej Manufacturing Division ricevuto 39Our Cup of Joy India39s Best Practices sulla Confederazione acqua di industria indiana (CII) ottobre 201039 Award per la migliore pratica di conservazione dell'acqua di 39Utilizing Torre di raffreddamento blow down acqua per l'irrigazione Purpose39. Hazira Divisione Manufacturing ha ricevuto il DuPont Safety Award per le iniziative in essere verso miglioramenti di sicurezza sul lavoro e prevenzione degli infortuni nel 2010, rendendo così RIL la prima azienda asiatica indiano a vincere questo premio. Hazira Divisione Manufacturing ha ricevuto la sicurezza Council39s britannico (BSC), Five Star Award Ambiente per le sue iniziative 39beyond compliance39, le migliori pratiche ambientali, le innovazioni e gli sforzi di conservazione delle risorse nel 2010. Divisione Hazira Manufacturing ha vinto il premio Institute39s sicurezza UK Energia per 39Road sicurezza TRUST Programme39 in 2010, diventando RIL la prima azienda asiatica indiano a vincere questo premio. Hazira Manufacturing Division ha vinto il premio FGI per l'eccellenza nella riduzione dell'inquinamento ambientale e la conservazione nel 2010. Hazira Manufacturing Division ha vinto CII39s premio come miglior pratica ambientale sotto 39Most innovativa categoria Project39 e 39Innovative Project39 nel gennaio 2011. Divisione Manufacturing Hoshiarpur, per quattro anni consecutivi di fila ha vinto la sicurezza Award39 39State dal Consiglio di sicurezza industriale del Punjab amp ispettore capo delle fabbriche, Punjab nel 2011. Jamnagar Manufacturing Divisione nazionale tariffa Area (DTA) raffineria ha ricevuto il 39Golden Peacock Award per Salute amp Safety39 per l'impostazione delle prestazioni in OH e sicurezza ritmo nel 2010 . Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA raffineria ricevuto 39Safety Innovazione Award39 da amplificatore Qualità sicurezza Forum dell'Istituto degli Ingegneri (India). Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA raffineria ha vinto il 39Greentech Platinum Award (2010) 39 categoria di sicurezza, in Petroleum Refinery settore per la sua eccezionale Achievement in gestione della sicurezza. Jamnagar Divisione Manufacturing è stato concesso dal consiglio di accreditamento nazionale per i laboratori (NABL), Ministero della Scienza Tecnologia amp governo dell'India, 39NABL accreditation39 basa sulla norma ISO 15189: 2007 per la DAOH amplificatore FWC Medical Laboratory. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Zona Economica Speciale (ZES) Raffineria ha ricevuto il premio 395 della stella per la salute amp Safety39 dal British Safety Council per prestazioni sostenute in Health amp sicurezza nel 2010. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ raffineria ha vinto il prestigioso 39Greentech Ambiente Excellence Award in Gold 201039 Categoria in Settore raffineria di petrolio per le sue migliori pratiche di gestione ambientale. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ raffineria è stato selezionato come il vincitore del 3910e Safety Award annuale di Greentech 201139, in platino categoria nella raffineria settore petrolifero. Nagothane Divisione Manufacturing ha ricevuto il 39Vana Shree Award39 dal Governo dello Stato del Maharashtra nel 2010. Nagpur Manufacturing Division ha ricevuto il 39Sword del Honour39 dal British Safety Council nel 2010. Divisione Manufacturing Vadodara ricevuto la CII migliore Environmental Practice Award nel 2011. risparmio energetico e di acqua efficienza: Hazira Manufacturing Division ha vinto il Premio Unità efficiente 39Excellent energia per l'esercizio 200.982.111.039 dal CII nel 2010. Divisione Manufacturing Dahej insaccato il 39Excellent Energy Efficient Unità Premio 201039 per i suoi sforzi di conservazione energia da CII nel 2010. Divisione Dahej Manufacturing ha ricevuto il premio Energy Conservation 39National 201039 per le sue iniziative di risparmio energetico da parte del Ministero del potere, governo dell'India. Jamnagar Divisione Manufacturing ha ricevuto il Premio per l'Eccellenza 39National in Energy Management39 per le sue tecniche di risparmio energetico da CII nel 2010. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division ha ricevuto il 39I. C.C. Premio per l'eccellenza in Energy Management39 per il suo rendimento energetico da parte del Consiglio chimica indiana nel 2010. La tecnologia, brevetti, RampD e Innovazione: Nagpur Divisione Manufacturing ha ricevuto il 39Innovation Quest 2010 Trophy39 istituito dall'Istituto indiano di Ingegneria Industriale. EampP39s KG8211D6 ha vinto il 39Innovation per India Premi 201039 istituiti dalla Fondazione Marico Innovazione per la loro sintesi combinata di tecnologie avanzate, l'ingegneria estrema, esecuzione innovativo, ottenendo risultati senza precedenti e l'impatto su India39s sicurezza energetica. Hazira Manufacturing Division ha vinto il 39Innovative Project39 dalla CII nel 2010. Hazira Manufacturing Division ha vinto la Federazione FGI del Gujarat Industries Award per lo sviluppo tecnologico nel 2010. Divisione Hazira Manufacturing ha vinto il premio del Consiglio indiano per la progettazione chimica impianto chimico e di ingegneria nel 2010. Reliance Tecnologia Gruppo (RTG) ha ricevuto 39Certificate del Merit39 dalla Federazione del Gujarat Industries e premio 39ICC per l'eccellenza nella progettazione di impianti chimici e engineering39 nel 2010. al dettaglio: Reliance Footprint ha ricevuto il Retailer of the Year Award nella categoria non abbigliamento e calzature in Asia Congress di vendita al dettaglio 2010. Reliance TimeOut ha ricevuto il Retailer of the Year Award nella Categoria Riposo al Asia Retail Congress 2010. Vision Express è stato conferito il 39Award 201039 per il suo contributo dai Paesi Bassi India Camera di Commercio e del commercio nel 2010. le tendenze Reliance ricevuto la Campagna 39Retail Marketing of the Year Award39 ai Asia dettaglio Congress 2010. le tendenze Reliance ricevuto la 39Impactful retail design e Visual Merchandising dell'anno Award39 al Asia retail Congress di Sostenibilità 2010: Jamnagar Manufacturing Division ha vinto il 39Golden pavone globale premio per la sostenibilità per l'anno 201039. Reliance jio e Bharti hanno firmato un accordo in base al quale Reliance Jio utilizzerà coppia di fibre dedicato sul cavo sottomarino Bharti39s i2i che collega l'India e Singapore. Il sistema di cavi i2i fornirà Reliance Jio accesso diretto e la connettività ultra8211fast ai principali hub in tutta l'Asia Pacifico. RIL ei suoi partner hanno annunciato un gas significativo e la scoperta di condensa (MJ82111 scoperta) nel blocco KG8211D6 al largo della costa orientale dell'India. SampP aggiornato il long8211term rating aziendale su Reliance per 39BBB39 da 39BBB39, uno dei voti più alti di SampP per un aziendale indiano e il punteggio più alto da SampP per una compagnia del gas amplificatore Indian Oil. Il nuovo punteggio è di due tacche sopra il voto per il sovrano indiano. Reliance Jio e Reliance Communications hanno firmato un accordo per la condivisione delle infrastrutture a livello nazionale RCom39s torri di telecomunicazioni. RIL8211BP ha annunciato una nuova scoperta di gas e condensati largo della costa orientale dell'India nel CY8211DWN821120012 blocco in acque profonde (CY8211D5) nel bacino del Cauvery. Reliance Jio ha ricevuto licenza unificata per tutte le 22 Aree di Servizio in tutta l'India e diventa il primo operatore di telecomunicazioni nel paese per ottenere una panoramica dell'India licenza unificata. Reliance Jio acquisito spettro in 14 circoli chiave in tutta l'India nella banda 1800 MHz all'asta spettro condotta da DoT, Governo dell'India. RIL ha firmato un prestito di 2 miliardi di equivalente negli Stati Uniti con nove banche coperte da Euler Hermes Deutschland AG. Il prestito sarà utilizzato principalmente per finanziare i beni e servizi acquistati da fornitori tedeschi nell'ambito di progetti di espansione RIL39s petrolchimici a Jamnagar, Hazira, Silvassa e Dahej in India. La Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ha assegnato un livello di RIL39s Rapporto di sostenibilità 2011821112. Questo è il settimo anno consecutivo RIL ha ricevuto più alto livello di applicazione sul reporting di sostenibilità. RIL è anche la prima azienda ad aderire al supplemento GRI 3.1 petrolio amp Settore Gas, rilasciato nel febbraio 2012. RIL e la compagnia venezuelana stato olio, Petroleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA) ha firmato un contratto di fornitura di greggio pesante 15 anni e un memorandum of Understanding (MoU) con PDVSA per un ulteriore sviluppo dei campi petroliferi pesanti venezuelani. PDVSA fornirà tra 300.000 e 400.000 barili al giorno di greggio pesante del Venezuela a RIL39s due raffinerie in Jamnagar nell'ambito di un contratto di fornitura 158,211 mila anni di petrolio greggio. Con NSE il 23 Feb 2017 12:00 Reliance Industries Ltd ha presentato alla BSE una copia del Comunicato stampa in data 21 febbraio 2017 da Reliance Infocomm Jio Limited (RJIL), società controllata dalla Società, dal titolo JIO FAMIGLIA 100 MILIONI IN FORTE 170 giorni e una copia del discorso pronunciato dal Presidente e Amministratore Delegato della Società, Shri Mukesh Ambani D. Con BSE su 21 Feb 2017 15:14 PM Reliance Industries Limited ha comunicato alla Borsa per quanto riguarda un comunicato stampa in data 21 febbraio 2017 dal titolo JIO FAMIGLIA 100 MILIONI IN FORTE 170 giorni. Con NSE il 21 Feb 2017 00:00 Reliance Industries Limited ha comunicato alla Borsa riguardo un comunicato stampa del 7 Febbraio 2017, dal titolo dichiarazioni fuorvianti da Airtel RELATIVE ACCANTONAMENTI POI CAPACITÀ DI RJIL. Il suddetto comunicato stampa è da Reliance Infocomm Jio Limited (RJIL), società controllata dalla Società. Con NSE su 7 Feb 2017 12:00 Reliance Industries Ltd ha informato della BSE che la Società ha assegnato 39,373 quote di capitale di Rs.10- ciascuna, il 23 gennaio, 2017 in applicazione della impiegati Stock Option Scheme. Con BSE su 24 Gennaio 2017 13:11 PM In NSE il 23 Feb 2017 12:00 Reliance Industries Ltd ha presentato alla BSE una copia del Comunicato stampa in data 21 febbraio 2017 da Reliance Infocomm Jio Limited (RJIL), società controllata dalla Società , intitolato JIO FAMIGLIA 100 MILIONI iN FORTE 170 giorni e una copia del discorso pronunciato dal Presidente e Amministratore Delegato della Società, Shri Mukesh Ambani D. Con BSE su 21 Feb 2017 15:14 PM Reliance Industries Limited ha comunicato alla Borsa per quanto riguarda un comunicato stampa in data 21 febbraio 2017 dal titolo JIO FAMIGLIA 100 MILIONI IN FORTE 170 giorni. Con NSE il 21 Feb 2017 00:00 Reliance Industries Limited ha comunicato alla Borsa riguardo un comunicato stampa del 7 Febbraio 2017, dal titolo dichiarazioni fuorvianti da Airtel RELATIVE ACCANTONAMENTI POI CAPACITÀ DI RJIL. Il suddetto comunicato stampa è da Reliance Infocomm Jio Limited (RJIL), società controllata dalla Società. Con NSE su 7 Feb 2017 12:00 Reliance Industries Ltd ha informato della BSE che la Società ha assegnato 39,373 quote di capitale di Rs.10- ciascuna, il 23 gennaio, 2017 in applicazione della impiegati Stock Option Scheme. Con BSE il 24 Gennaio 2017 13:11 PMQ1. Come faccio ad aprire un Ke commercio conto Si può fare domanda per un conto online, per posta o di persona presso uno qualsiasi dei nostri Centri di servizio clienti o Centri di investitori. Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni. Q2. Quali sono gli orari di apertura per i vostri centri di assistenza clienti e Centri Investor nostri Centri Servizio Clienti sono aperti dal Lunedi al Venerdì (esclusi i festivi) dalle 9 alle 6pm. Il nostro Centro investitore è aperto tutti i giorni (tranne il giorno di Natale ed i primi 2 giorni di Capodanno cinese), dalle 10 alle 10pm. Q3. Quanto tempo ci vorrà per aprire un Ke commercio conto dei nuovi clienti ci vorranno circa 3-7 giorni lavorativi per aprire un conto KE commerciale, dopo aver ricevuto i moduli compilati e la verifica della firma. clienti esistenti Ci vorranno circa 2-5 giorni lavorativi per aprire un conto KE commerciale, dopo aver ricevuto i moduli compilati e la verifica della firma. Q4. Ci sono chargesdeposits richieste per l'apertura di un conto KE commerciale Ci sono generalmente non spese o depositi richiesti per aprire un conto KE commerciale. Q5. Ci sono altri account o forme che devo aprire o inviare prima mercati commerciali disponibili tramite KE commerciale per il trading su Bursa Malaysia (ex KLSE), si sono tenuti ad aprire un candidato CDS account con il nostro mediatore controparte malese per il trading online. Un pagamento di SGD5.00 è necessario per l'apertura di questo conto. Per la negoziazione sui mercati statunitensi (NASDAQNYSE), si sono tenuti a firmare un modulo W8-Ben. Q6. Qual è il limite di negoziazione per KE commercio e che devo chiamare per aumentare il mio limite Un limite di commercio globale (per compravendite fatte attraverso il vostro rappresentante commerciale e KE del commercio) è impostato sulla base di informazioni fornite nel modulo di apertura conto. Il limite di scambi giornalieri sul KE commercio on-line e mobile è un sottoinsieme del limite commercio globale. Una volta raggiunto questo limite in un giorno particolare, non sarà in grado di commercio via Ke commercio online e mobile. Si può comunque continuare ad operare attraverso il vostro Trading rappresentante se il vostro totale transazioni in sospeso non superino il limite di commercio globale. Sul prossimo giorno di mercato, si può riprendere la negoziazione su Ke commercio online e mobile allo stesso limite giornaliero, a patto di non aver superato il limite di commercio globale. Si può contattare il vostro rappresentante Trading direttamente a richiesta di aumento del limite di trading. Per controllare il limite di trading on-line e il commercio particolari rivolgersi ad un rappresentante, si prega di accedere al Ke commercio e procedere come segue: Fare clic sull'icona di configurazione personale Seleziona profilo Seleziona Trading limite per il limite di linea o Seleziona Trading rappresentante per i vostri rappresentanti Trading nome e recapito. Q1. What types of Advanced Orders are available on KE Trade Online Limit Orders with Day Order validity and Price Triggered Orders (PTOs), namely If-Touched and Stop Orders, are default functionalities given to KE Trade clients. Other Advanced Orders like Market and Market-to-Limit orders, and order validities including Good-Till-Date (GTD), Good-Till-Maximum (GTM), Fill-and-Kill (FAK), Fill-Or-Kill (FOK) and Session State Orders (SSOs), are available upon request, subject to approval. Please refer to Q4 below to find out how to submit your request. Q2. Will all KE Trade clients have access to Advanced Orders Currently, only KE Trade Cash Account clients are allowed to place Advanced Orders on SGX. Q3. On which markets may I place Advanced Orders Advanced Orders may only be placed on SGX. Q4. How do I apply for access to Advanced Orders other than the default types In order to request for access to other types of Advanced Orders, log in to KE Trade Online and go to e-Services gt Advanced Order Access. Your request will then be submitted for approval. Q5. Where do I navigate to on KE Trade to place Advanced Orders Navigate to the Advanced BuySell page by clicking on the ldquoAdvancedrdquo button located at the top left corner of the BuySell page. Q6. What will happen to my Advanced Orderrsquos queue position if I make an amendment Clients are allowed to amend (increasedecrease) their order price andor quantity. Please note that the revised order price will be checked against the forced order range and if no forced key was used in the original order, any orders with a revised price more than 20 bids from the current last done price will be rejected by SGX. The table below shows the effects of amendments on order priority: Order Amendment Action The other Advanced Orders listed above are available upon request, subject to approval. Please refer to Q4 above to find out how to submit your request. Q8. Are Advanced Orders available on KE Trade Mobile On KE Trade Mobile, you can only view, reduce the quantity or withdraw any existing Advanced Orders that you have placed online. Q1. What is a Limit Order A Limit Order is an order that requires you to specify a price and quantity that you want to trade at. Q2. How does a Limit Order work A Limit Order is dependent on the order validities selected. A Fill-and-Kill (FAK) Limit Order is an order that gets matched as soon as the order is entered into the order book. The rest of the order which is unfilled will expire immediately. The order does not sit in the order book. Example An FAK Limit Order is placed at a bid price of 3 with a quantity of 20 lots. The market has a sell side of 10 lots. 10 lots will be matched and the remaining 10 lots will be rejected and expire. A Fill-or-Kill (FOK) Limit Order is an order that either gets filled entirely or expires entirely. Example An FOK order is placed at a bid price of 3 with a quantity of 20 lots. The market has a sell side of 10 lots. The entire order of 20 lots will be rejected and expire. A Day Limit Order sits in the order book and will expire at the end of the trading day should it not be filled. There are two types of Long-Dated Orders: Good-till-Date (GTD): A pre-determined date is set upon which the order will expire. This date must be within 30 calendar days from the date that the order is placed. Example If a GTD order is placed on 5 Jan 2015 and the investor wants to keep the order in the order book for 3 days, the order can rest in the order book till the end of the trading day on 7 Jan 2015 or be filled before that. Good-till-Maximum (GTM): The order will sit in the order book for a maximum of 30 calendar days. Example If a GTM order is placed on 5 Jan 2015, the order would rest in the order book till the end of the trading day on 3 Feb 2015 or be filled before that. Q1. What is Market Order A Market Order is an order that is entered into the order book with a specified quantity but without a price, unlike a Limit Order. It is purely volume-based and is traded at the best price currently available in the market at the moment when the order is placed. Q2. How does a Market Order work A Market Order has only 2 types of order validities. A Fill-and-Kill (FAK) Market Orders quantity is filled to the greatest extent possible and then immediately expires. No FAK order sits in the order book. Example An FAK Market buy order for 20 lots was placed and the market has an offer quantity of 10 lots. 10 lots will be matched and the remaining order will be rejected and expire. A Fill-or-Kill (FOK) Market Order is either filled or expired entirely. The order will not sit in the order book. Example An FOK Market buy order for 20 lots was placed and market has an offer quantity of 10 lots. The entire order of 20 lots will be rejected and expire as the total order placed was not able to be filled entirely. Q1. What is a Market-to-Limit Order A Market-to-Limit Order is an order which is entered into the order book with a quantity but without a price, just like a Market Order. However, it will be matched at the current best bid or ask price. If the order is partially filled after being matched at the current best price, the remainder is submitted as a Limit Order at the same price that the earlier match occurred. Q2. How does a Market-to-Limit Order work A Fill-and-Kill (FAK) Market-to-Limit Order will be filled to the greatest extent possible at the best available price and the remainder will be rejected and expire. Example A Fill-and-Kill (FAK) Market-to-Limit buy order for 10 lots will be matched at the best available price. Supposing there are 5 lots offered at 3, 5 lots will be matched and the remaining 5 lots will be rejected and expire. A Fill-or-Kill (FOK) Market-to-Limit buy order will only be matched entirely at the best available ask price or it will be rejected and expire entirely. Example A Fill-or-Kill Market-to-Limit buy order for 10 lots of shares will only be matched if there are at least 10 lots of shares on the offer side of the order book at the best available price. If there are fewer than 10 lots available at the best available price, the Fill-or-Kill buy order will be rejected and expire with no part of it being matched. A Day Market-to-Limit Order will be matched at the best available price and the rest will be converted to a Limit Order. Example A Day Market-to-Limit sell order for 10 lots will be matched at the best available price. Suppose there are 5 lots offered at 3, the order will be partially filled and the remaining 5 lots will be converted to a Limit Order and sit in the order book. The Limit Order price for the remaining 5 lots would be 3, the last-filled price. There are two types of Long-Dated Orders: Good-till-Date (GTD) Orders will expire on a specified date that is within 30 calendar days from the day the order is placed. Good-till-Maximum (GTM) Orders will sit in the order book for a maximum of 30 calendar days. Q1. What are Price Triggered Orders (PTOs) Price Triggered Orders (PTOs) will only get triggered and converted into an actual order in the order book once the target price as specified by the investor has been met. Orders not activated by the end of the trading day will automatically expire. The current PTOs available on KE Trade Online are If-Touched and Stop Orders. They can only be placed during the Open market session. Q2. How does an If-Touched Order work An If-Touched Order benefits investors by providing them the flexibility to buy and sell at a specific price without investors having to constantly monitor market movements. It is particularly used in fast-moving markets, when investors may not be able to access the market in time to take advantage of buying or selling opportunities. Example The price of a share is currently 11.40 and an investor is planning to place an order to buy the share at 11.00, only if the price falls below 11.20. The investor can place an If-Touched Limit Order price at 11.00 and trigger price of 11.20. This scenario is illustrated below: Once the trigger price is hit, the order is placed on the market and will get executed once the market price hits the limit price. If not, the order will be held in the system. When the market price hits the limit price, the order will be executed. Q3. How does a Stop Order work Stop Orders are used when an investor wants to execute an order at a specific price, but the market is not currently trading at that price. They are useful for breakout trades where an investor wants his order executed only if the market trades past a particular price. Stop orders can be used to: Minimise a loss or protect a profit on an existing long or short position. Stop orders are generally used as a protection against runaway prices. For instance, in a falling market, an investor who is long on a particular counter may want to enter a Stop Sell Order which will likely limit the losses faced. Similarly, in a rising market, an investor who is short on a particular counter may enter a Stop Buy Order to limit the losses faced in covering the short position. Initiate a new long or short position. Stop Orders benefit investors by allowing them to trade without the need to constantly monitor market movements. It is particularly of use in fast-moving markets, where investors may not have the time to react quickly to limit losses arising from the trading positions. Example An investor has a long position of 500 shares which he bought at 10.20. He wants to limit his loss to 300. The market price is currently 10.00. The investor would place a Stop Order with a price of 9.80 and trigger price at 9.60. When share price drops to 9.80, the order will be triggered and should the price fall to 9.60, it will be executed. Once the market price hits the trigger price, the order will be submitted to the exchange. When the market price hits the stop price, the order will be executed. Q4. How do If-Touched and Stop Orders differ from each other An If-Touched Order is placed to ensure that the order will be executed at the desired price for maximum profit gain whereas a Stop Order is typically used as a loss-limiting mechanism in respect of open positions. For sell orders, the stop price for a Stop Order is hence placed below the current market price, whereas the trigger price for a sell If-Touched Order is placed above the current market price. The opposite is true for buy orders where the stop price for a Stop Order will be above the market price and the trigger price for the If-Touched Order will be below the market price. Q5. What are the risks associated with If-Touched Orders The trigger price may be activated by a short-term fluctuation in a stocks price. For Stop If-Touched orders, once the trigger price is reached, the order becomes a Market Order and the transacted price may be quite different from the intended price, especially in a fast-moving or in a cascading price scenario where stock prices can change rapidly. It is possible to avoid the risk of an If-Touched Market Order not guaranteeing a specific price by placing an If-Touched Limit Order. However, with Limit Orders the rest of the unfilled order may not be executed if the price moves beyond the limit price. Q6. What are the risks associated with Stop Orders The stop price may be activated by a short-term fluctuation in a stocks price. For Stop Market orders, once the stop price is reached, the Stop Order becomes a Market Order and the transacted price may be quite different from the stop price, especially in a fast moving market or in a cascading price scenario where stock prices can change rapidly. It is possible to avoid the risk of a Stop Market Order not guaranteeing a specific price by placing a Stop Limit Order. Session State Orders (SSOs) Q1. What is a Session State Order A Session State Order (SSO) is an instruction to place an order into an order book at a specific session state of a trading day. A Session State Order is not visible to the rest of the market before it is triggered. Session State Orders that are not triggered by the end of the trading day will expire automatically. Q2. When can SSOs be entered into the order book SSOs can be placed during the Pre-Open session and will be triggered during the Open session. SSOs can be placed during the Open session and will be triggered during the Pre-Close session. Brokerage and Other Fees Q16. After opting out, when will I start receiving paper statements Contract notes for trades placed in the Singapore market amp Daily statements for trades placed in foreign markets Your request to opt out will take approximately 3 working days to process. You will be able to access your e-Statements till the end of the current month. Thereafter, you will not be able to access e-Statements. Monthly statements You will receive paper statements the month after you opt out. Per esempio. If you opt out on 31 January 2017, you will start receiving paper statements in February 2017. Q1. What are the benefits of trading via KE Trade Easy log in to your cash and margin accounts with a single User ID and password. Trade in multiple markets around the world with the added advantage of having dynamic real-time quotes (only on selected markets) available on screen. View simultaneous investment pages with our proprietary 4Site screen for optimal stock review. Do away with keying in orders one at a time. With our proprietary Batch Order function, now you can place up to 5 SGX counters to buysell, all at one click of a button. Withdraw up to 5 orders simultaneously with our Quick Withdrawal function. Trade online with our margin account service where you can trade up to 3.5 times your collateral placed with us (our margin financing terms and conditions will apply). This service and feature gives you greater flexibility to maximise investment opportunities. Receive stock alerts via web-alerts, SMS or e-mail to monitor stock movements by using different types of alert triggers - price, percentage change from intra-day price and cumulative volume. Choose to settle your trades in local or foreign currency for foreign counters. Create and customise up to 10 watchlists to monitor the latest price movements of your favouite Singapore and foreign counters, all in a single watchlist. Manage your investment exposure with our Account Management function. You are able to view your daily trust account and custodian balances for cash accounts, as well as your stock holdings, account ledger and margin position summary for margin accounts. As an added service, the daily forex rates are also made available to you. Create your personal investment portfolio to view your positions, portfolio valuation and the realisedunrealised profitloss statement of your investments. You can also choose to export your portfolio to MSExcel. Check your Internet trading limits, Trading Representatives name and contact details, account details, and update your personal details. Study the trend of buying and selling a particular counter on a real-time basis with Trade Summary. Monitor actual transactions for a particular counter with Time and Sales. Watch a counter with Intra-Day Charts which displays charts plotted on real-time basis with time and sales data. Use the ever popular Market Depth which displays the SGX-ST ready market of up to 20 levels of bid and offer prices (Market Depth is a subscription-based service for SGX-ST counters). Personalise the settings of selected pagelets to your liking. You can change the colours of the fonts and columns, organise your chosen information by columns, and change pagelet layouts to your preference. Q2. What markets are available for trading via KE Trade Singapore (SGX) Hong Kong (HKEx) Malaysia (Bursa Malaysia) US (Nasdaq, NYSE and NYSE Arca) Stock Exchange of Thailand ( SET) Shanghai (SH-HK Connect North Bound) Q3. What is a KE Trade Prefunded Account It is a collateralised trading account where the trading limit is equivalent to the amount of funds deposited into the account. It lets you enjoy lower online brokerage rates for SGX and other markets. Q4. Will my KE Trade Prefunded trading account be linked to my existing KE Trade User ID and Password Yes. If you have an existing KE Trade User ID and Password, you may log in and trade with your KE Trade Prefunded Trading Account using the same User ID and Password. Q5. Where are the shares kept for KE Trade Prefunded Accounts The shares are kept in a custody account under Maybank Kim Eng and can only be sold via Maybank Kim Eng. All corporate actions entitlement (dividends, rights etc) will also be managed by Maybank Kim Eng. Q6. Can I sell my share holdings in my Central Depositary Global Securities Account (CDP GSA) using the KE Trade Prefunded Account The shares must be transferred from CDP GSA to your KE Trade Prefunded Account first before selling. Share transfer fees may be found here . Q7. Is it possible to open a joint account with a person under 18 years of age A joint account can only be opened with a person aged 18 years and older. Q8. What do I need to know about Specified Investment Products (SIPs) In 2012, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) introduced guidelines for broking firms to provide safeguards to retail investors who wish to trade Specified Investment Products (SIPs). These products have complex features and risks that can be difficult to understand. Under these guidelines, both existing and new clients are required to be formally assessed by their broking firm for relevant knowledge and experience in trading SIPs. A general guide on safeguards when purchasing SIPs is available here. Listed SIPs include: Structured warrants Futures Exchange traded funds (ETFs) Exchange traded notes (ETNs) Learn more about Listed SIPs through the SGX Online Education Programme here . Unlisted SIPs are not listed on a securities exchange and include: Contracts for difference (CFDs) Leveraged foreign exchange trading (LFX) Equity link notes (ELN) Structured products Learn more about Unlisted SIPs on the ABS-SAS Online E-Learning Portal here . Q9. What are the measures regarding SIPs How will they affect me The following two measures will apply to you if you wish to purchase a SIP or open an account for trading SIPs: Assessing if you fulfil the MAS requirements for competency in trading SIPs. Maybank Kim Eng must find out if you have the relevant knowledge or experience to understand the risks and features before offering a SIP to you or opening an account for you to trade SIPs. To be eligible for trading in Listed andor Unlisted SIPs, you need at least 6 trades in any Listed SIPs andor 6 trades in CFDs or andor 6 trades in LFX in the preceding 3 years with Maybank Kim Eng andor other brokers, or satisfy one of the following four criteria:Have a diploma or higher qualifications in accountancy, actuarial science, businessbusiness administrationbusiness managementbusiness studies, capital markets, commerce, economics, finance, financial engineering, financial planning, computational finance and insurance or Have a professional finance-related qualification orHave a minimum of 3 consecutive years of working experience in the past 10 years in development of, structuring of, management of, sale of, trading of, research on or analysis of investment products, or the provision of training in investment products. Work experience in accountancy, actuarial science, treasury or financial risk management activities will also be considered relevant experience. Such working experience would also include provision of legal advice or possession of legal expertise on these areas. orDemonstrate sufficient understanding of the features and risks of derivatives through the SGX Online Education on SIPs for Listed SIPs and the ABS-SAS E-Learning Portal for Unlisted SIPs. Maybank Kim Eng will assess whether you may proceed to purchase an Unlisted SIP or trade Listed SIPs by conducting a Client Proficiency Assessment (CPA) to assess your knowledge and experience before allowing you to trade in SIPs. If you already have an account for trading SIPs, please refer to Q9. Q10. What if I already have a trading account with Maybank Kim Eng and want to trade SIPs If you have an existing account and wish to continue trading SIPs through the account, Maybank Kim Eng will be required to conduct a Client Proficiency Assessment (CPA) to assess your knowledge and experience before allowing you to trade in SIPs. If you wish to qualify to purchase Listed or Unlisted SIPs, please download and complete the Client Proficiency Assessment (CPA) Form . Q11. How will Maybank Kim Eng decide whether I can trade SIPs If you wish to qualify to purchase Listed or Unlisted SIPs, please download and complete the Client Proficiency Assessment (CPA) Form . Please mail the completed form to: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd Client Services Department 9 Temasek Boulevard 12-00 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989 Alternatively, visit any of our Customer Service Centres or our Investor Centres to complete the Client Proficiency Assessment (CPA) Form . Maybank Kim Eng will assess if you fulfil the MAS requirements by possessing the relevant educational qualifications, work experience or investment experience in that product or similar products, and will take into account whether you have demonstrated sufficient understanding of the product based on your declaration in the form. Q12. Are all Overseas Listed Investment Products classified as Excluded Investment Products (EIPs) or Specified Investment Products (SIPs) With effect from 4 January 2013, the following Overseas Listed Investment Products are classified as EIPs: Shares Fully-paid depository receipts representing shares Subscription rights pursuant to rights issues Company warrants Units in business trusts Units in real estate investment trusts Debentures (other than asset-backed securities and structured notes) Any other Overseas Listed Investment Products not included in this list remain as SIPs. Q13. What is the Risk Warning Statement for Overseas Listed Investment Products (ldquoRWSrdquo) about The RWS highlights the key risks that customers should be aware of before trading in overseas listed investment products. These include differences in legal systems, regulatory regime, political, social and economic developments as well as differences in costs, counterparty and correspondent broker risks between the foreign jurisdictions and Singapore. Please refer to the RWS for details. Q14. Why do I need to acknowledge receipt of the RWS According to the MAS Notice on the Sale of Investment Products SFA04-N12, we are required to disclose to you the risks involved in transacting in overseas-listed investment products. You may either sign and return a copy of the RWS or acknowledge the RWS electronically via KE Trade to confirm that you have understood the risks prior to trading in any overseas-listed investment products. Q15. When do I need to acknowledge receipt of the RWS With effect from 4 January 2013, you are required to read and acknowledge the RWS before performing your first transaction in Overseas Listed Investment Products (for both EIPs and SIPs). Q16. Am I allowed to sell my existing holdings of Overseas Listed Investment Products if I have not signed the RWS If you have not signed and returned the RWS, you may only sell your existing holdings of Overseas Listed Investment Products through your Trading Representative. To acquire any new positions of Overseas Listed Investment Products, you are required to acknowledge receipt of the RWS prior to trading. Q17. How is the RWS different from the Customer Proficiency Assessment (CPA) Clients need to acknowledge receipt of the RWS if they wish to transact in overseas-listed investment products, be it SIPs or EIPs. The CPA is only required to be completed if clients wish to transact in SIPs, be it SGX-listed or overseas-listed. Q18. How soon can I trade Overseas-Listed Investment Products after I submit the RWS acknowledgement For online submission via KE Trade Online submission enables you to transact online in Overseas Listed Investment Products immediately. For trading in the US markets, this is on the condition that the W-8BEN Form has been submitted. For hard copy submission You will be able to trade Overseas-Listed Investment Products 1-2 business days after we have received, verified and updated your signed RWS. For trading in the US markets, this is on the condition that the W-8BEN Form has been submitted. Q19. For joint accounts, do both joint account holders have to acknowledge receipt of the RWS Yes. Both account holders are required to acknowledge the RWS before they are allowed to transact in Overseas Listed Investment Products via the joint account. Acknowledgement for joint account holders has to be via hard copy submission. However, joint account holders who also maintain individual trading accounts can submit their online acknowledgement via their individual trading accounts. Q20. If I have multiple accounts with Maybank Kim Eng, do I need to acknowledge the RWS for every account You are only required to sign the RWS once. The acknowledgement will be applied across all your trading accounts maintained with us. Q21. To whom does the RWS apply in respect of transacting in Overseas Listed Investment Products The requirement for acknowledgement of the RWS applies to all Retail Investors. The RWS is not required if you are: An Accredited Investor An Expert Investor Q22. What are corporate actions and their effects on stock prices A corporate action is an event initiated by a publicly-traded company that affects the securities issued by the company. Corporate actions are typically agreed upon by a companys board of directors and authorised by the shareholders. Some examples of corporate actions are stock splits, dividends, mergers and acquisitions and rights issues. When a publicly-traded company issues a corporate action, it is initiating a process that will bring actual change to its stock. By understanding these different types of processes and their effects, an investor can have a clearer picture of what a corporate action indicates about a companys financial affairs and how that action will influence the companys share price and performance. It is important for an investor to understand the various types of corporate actions in order to get a clearer picture of how a companys decisions affect the shareholder. The type of action used can tell the investor a lot about the company, and all actions will change the stock itself one way or another. Investors may obtain information (e. g. corporate action) about a listed company from the relevant exchanges website: Q23. How can I update my mailing address Log in to your CDP Internet Service account and select the Customer Service tab. Thereafter, make the changes under ldquoViewUpdate Profilerdquo or Complete CDPs Update of Particulars Form. attach a copy of your NRIC or other original supporting documents (e. g. Bank statementsIncome Tax Statements) reflecting your new address and mail it to us at: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd Client Services Department 9 Temasek Boulevard 12-00 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989 Q24. How can I update my signature andor personal particulars (Name, NRIC, Nationality, PR Status etc) Updating of Signature Visit CDP or any Maybank Kim Eng Investor Centre or Customer Service Centre with your relevant supporting document(s) . or Complete CDPs Update of Signature Form and attach your relevant supporting document(s). Get the form(s) and document(s) verified by any of the following CDP Authorised Representatives before mailing them to Maybank Kim Eng or CDP: Notary Public officially registered with the countryrsquos governmental institution Advocates amp Solicitors (preferably with a branch in Singapore) Justice of Peace Commissioners for Oaths Updating of Personal Particulars Visit CDP or any Maybank Kim Eng Investor Centre or Customer Service Centre with your relevant supporting document(s) . or Complete CDPs Update of Particulars Form and attach your relevant supporting document(s). Get the form(s) and document(s) verified by any of the following CDP Authorised Representatives before mailing them to Maybank Kim Eng or CDP: Notary Public officially registered with the countryrsquos governmental institution Advocates amp Solicitors (preferably with a branch in Singapore) Justice of Peace Commissioners for Oaths Q25. How do I set my desired User-ID Step 2: Click the Personal Configurations icon. Step 3: Select Change User ID then key in your new User ID and current password. Step 4: Click Change. Q26. How do I activate trade alerts Step 2: Click the Personal Configurations icon. Step 3: Select Configure Alert and enter your mobile number andor e-mail address, depending on whether you wish to receive SMS andor e-mail alerts. Step 4: Click Save. Step 5: Click Send Test Alert. A test alert will be sent to your mobile phone andor e-mail address. Q27. How do I activate stock alerts Follow steps 1-5 from the section Activate Trade Alerts above. Step 6: Click Trade gt Stock Alerts Step 7: Select the market of your choice and key in your desired stock code or stock name. Step 8: Click Add. Step 9: Select your Alert Type and key in the Alert Value. Step 10: Click Configure Alert. Q28. How do I add trades to my portfolio view if the trades were not done through Maybank Kim Eng Step 2: Click the Portfolio tab Step 3: Click Manual Entry Step 4: Key in the details of your trade Step 5: Click Add Q29. How do I remove trades from my portfolio view Step 2: Click the Portfolio tab Step 3: Click Portfolio Management Step 4: Select the trade you wish to delete Step 5: Click Delete Monthly Investment Plan Q1. What is Monthly Investment Plan Monthly Investment Plan is a service that allows clients to buy their preferred counter on a pre-determined date on a monthly basis. Q2. When will my Monthly Investment Plan order be executed Orders submitted under the Monthly Investment Plan service are scheduled to be executed on the 8th of every month. If the 8th falls on a non-business day for Singapore, the purchase will be made on the first Business Day after the 8th of that calendar month for all markets. If the 8th falls on a non-business day for a foreign market, the purchase for the foreign listed security will be made on the first Business Day after the 8th of that calendar month for that foreign market. Q3. What securities can I buy under Monthly Investment Plan There are over 230 securities across 5 markets (Singapore, United States, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand) eligible under the Monthly Investment Plan. Eligible securities are typically components of popular indices, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). You may log in to KE Trade gt e-services gt Monthly Investment Plan gt List of Eligible Securities to view the full list of eligible securities. Q4. How much will it cost me to invest The minimum investment amount for Monthly Investment Plan is SGD100, capped at a maximum amount of SGD10,000. The brokerage fee for investment amounts less than SGD1,000 is 1 and 0.18 for investment amounts of SGD1,000 and above, minimum of SGD1 and SGD10 respectively. Q5. How do I open a Monthly Investment Plan trading account Monthly Investment Plan is a service that is offered to all KE Trade Prefunded Account holders. If you are an existing KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, simply log in to KE Trade, click on e-Services gt Monthly Investment Plan, and you will be able to submit your Monthly Investment Plan request. If you do not have a KE Trade Prefunded Account, you may contact your Trading Representative or approach any of our Customer Service counters to open a KE Trade Prefunded Account. Q6. Is it possible to invest using Monthly Investment Plan together with my child You may open a joint KE Trade Prefunded Account with persons 18 years of age and above. Shares bought under Monthly Investment Plan will be held in this account under both names. However, joint accounts cannot be opened with a person under 18 years of age. Q7. Are there any maintenance fees or charges for Monthly Investment Plan There are no additional maintenance fees or charges for Monthly Investment Plan. All relevant fees and charges applicable to KE Trade Prefunded Account will still apply. You may refer here for more details. Q8. When should I transfer my funds for Monthly Investment Plan You are to ensure that your trust account has sufficient funds for deduction, one business day before the purchase date (8th of every month). The deadline for funds transfer is dependent on the mode of funds transfer i. e. GIRO, internet banking fund transfer, cheque or cash deposit. For GIRO payment, transfer of funds to your KE Trade Prefunded account takes place on the first business day of the month. The amount transferred is based on your total subscriptions as at the day before the deduction of funds takes place. Q9. What happens if there are insufficient funds in my KE Trade Prefunded account If there are insufficient funds in your KE Trade Prefunded account one business day before the purchase date (8th of every month) at 11.59pm, your Monthly Investment Plan order(s) will be executed using the existing funds in your account. If you have less than SGD100 in your account, the order will not be executed at all. Assume your Monthly Investment Plan order is for SGD200 worth of stock. On the business day before the purchase date (8th of every month), if you only have SGD100 in your KE Trade Prefunded account, SGD100 will be used to purchase your Monthly Investment Plan stock. Q10. Is there a lock-in period What happens if I choose to terminate Monthly Investment Plan There is no lock-in period. You may withdraw from Monthly Investment Plan by submitting your request via KE Trade. Click on e-Services gt Monthly Investment Plan gt Withdraw MIP. As a KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, you may continue to hold the shares bought under Monthly Investment Plan service. You may also choose to sell your investments via KE Trade or by calling your Trading Representative. Q11. How would I know how many shares have been bought throughout my investment As a KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, you will be receiving contract notes for every transaction and monthly statements. You may also view your trust account balances and portfolio holdings by logging in to KE Trade. Q12. Where are my investments held As a KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, all your investments will be held in a segregated Maybank Kim Eng trading account under your own name. Your shareholdings will not be co-mingled with other clients. Q13. Why was the value of shares purchased less than the investment amount indicated The value of shares purchased will always differ slightly from the investment amount due to rounding of the quantity of shares, as well as the applicable brokerage fees and exchange charges. If the difference is substantial, there could be two possible reasons: your trust balance is less than your investment amount indicated, or there were not enough shares available for purchase. Q14. I have successfully submitted my request. Why was my chosen security not purchased There could be four possible reasons: your trust balance is less than SGD100 (which is the minimum investment amount), the share price of your chosen security is higher than your indicated investment amount, a trading halt occurred or there was a lack of odd lot sellers for that security. Q15. How will I be notified of my transaction amount and commission fees charged Contract notes will be generated and made available to you. Q16. Would I receive any interest on the excess fund in my account As a KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, you are entitled to interest on your excess funds in your trust account. For more details, please refer to General FAQs. Q17. Will I be entitled to corporate actions such as dividend payment, fx issue, rights issue, etc As a KE Trade Prefunded Account holder, you are entitled to all corporate actions such as dividend payments, fx issues and rights issues. If there is a dividend payment, and it requires the shareholder to elect if he wants the dividends to be paid in the elected currency, cash, or in shares, we will send a dividend election form via post. If there is no response, dividends will be paid in SGD cash. Cash dividends or shares will be credited to your KE Trade Prefunded account. For rights issues, we will likewise inform you via post and rights shares will be credited to your KE Trade Prefunded account. fx shares will also be credited to your KE Trade Prefunded account. Q1. What is Multi-Currency e-Pay Enhance your online trading advantage with KE Trades new payment service - Multi-Currency e-Pay, the first-of-its-kind in Singapore. Enjoy the convenience of trading and paying for SGD, HKD and USD denominated stocks through a single platform: KE Trade Online. Eliminate the need for foreign currency conversion when you link KE Trade to a Maybank account that holds the same currency that your stock is denominated in. In addition, get speedier payouts with no hidden costs or service charges to maximise your potential yield and make the most of trading opportunities. Q2. Why Choose Multi-Currency e-Pay One Efficient Platform With this convenient, seamless service on KE Trade Online, there is no need to log into a separate internet banking account to pay for stocks. In addition, sales proceeds will be credited to your designated Maybank accounts right on the due date, meaning faster access to funds. Eliminate the Need for Foreign Currency Conversion Your KE Trade Online account will be linked to a Maybank account which holds the currency that your stock is denominated in. It allows you to tap directly on the account when you pay and hereby eliminates the need for foreign currency conversion which may impact your yield. No Hidden Costs or Service Charges Unlike other modes of foreign currency payment like Telegraphic Transfers (TT) or foreign currency cheque issuances where a service charge is typically imposed, there are no service charges imposed when you make payment via Multi-Currency e-Pay. Preferential Interest Rates Enjoy preferential interest rates and fee waivers for your Maybank SGD, HKD and USD banking accounts. Clicca qui per maggiori dettagli. Option to Set a Backup Account Multi-Currency e-Pay allows you to set a secondary account as a backup to your primary account for deduction of share payments, should the primary account have insufficient funds. This will prevent force selling of shares due to non-payment. Q3. Are there any charges for using Multi-Currency e-Pay There are no charges for using Multi-Currency e-Pay, except for Maybank Kim Engs share trading fees and Maybank account maintenance fees, if any. Q4. How Do I Make Payment Using Multi-Currency e-Pay Step 1: Log into KE Trade Online and click on e-Servicesgt e-Formsgt Multi-Currency e-Pay Step 2: Select the contracts you wish to make payment for Step 3: Verify the status on the due date Q5. When will sales proceeds, contra gains and dividends be credited to my account Sales proceeds will be credited to your bank account on the due date. Contra gains will be paid 1 day after contra date. Dividend crediting takes up to 5 working days. For sales proceeds and contra gains, crediting will only take place if the Multi-Currency e-Pay linkage is in the same currency as the settlement currency. For dividends, crediting will only take place if the Multi-Currency e-Pay linkage is in the same currency as the traded currency of the stock. Dividends crediting is only applicable for shares custodised with Maybank Kim Eng. For Individuals with KE Trade and Maybank Accounts Simply link your KE Trade and Maybank accounts Download the Multi-Currency e-Pay application form. complete sections A, B and D, and mail it to the following address: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd Attention: Client Services 9 Temasek Boulevard 39-00 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989 The application process will take approximately 12 working days. For Individuals with a KE Trade Account Only Sign up for a Maybank account and link it to your KE Trade account either in person or by mail. In Person Visit any of our Customer Service Centres or our Investor Centres with the following supporting documents: HKD Foreign Currency Current Account Q9. When I open and link a new Maybank account for the purpose of Multi-Currency e-Pay, do I need to place a deposit There is no need to place a deposit when you submit the application form. Upon receiving the account opening notification letter, please deposit at least the initial minimum deposit amount required within a month of the account opening date. If you did not receive the account opening notification letter, you may check the account-opening status via: Your Maybank Online or Mobile Banking (maybank2u. sg ) Maybanks Contact Centre at 1800-MAYBANK (1800-629 2265)(65) 6533 5229 (Overseas) Q10. I already have a Maybank account. How do I apply for Multi-Currency e-Pay You can apply to link any Maybank account denominated in SGD, USD or HKD for the purpose of Multi-Currency e-Pay. If you are not the Maybank account holder, you will need the signatures of the authorised signatories of the Maybank account(s). To apply to link a Maybank account(s) and set up Multi-Currency e-Pay, please follow the steps in question 3 . Q11. What are the account privileges that I will enjoy when I open a new Maybank account for the purpose of Multi-Currency e-Pay Enjoy preferential interest rates and fee waivers for your SGD, HKD and USD banking accounts. Clicca qui per maggiori dettagli. Q12. How long does it take to process my application Upon receiving your application form and supporting documents, it will take approximately 12 working days to process your application. Q13. How do I check on my application status You may check on your application status by: Checking KE Trade Online Contacting Maybank Kim Engrsquos Helpdesk on (65) 6432 1888 or at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg Contacting Maybanks Contact Centre at 1800-MAYBANK (1800-629 2265)(65) 6533 5229 (Overseas) Q14. How do I check whether the share payment has been successfully debited or credited into my Maybank account(s) You may check by: Visiting KE Trade Online Contacting Maybank Kim Engrsquos Helpdesk on (65) 6432 1888 or at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg Contacting Maybanks Contact Centre at 1800-MAYBANK (1800-629 2265)(65) 6533 5229 (Overseas) Visiting Maybank Online Banking or Mobile Banking (maybank2u. sg ) Q15. Will I be notified when there has been unsuccessful debiting from my Maybank account for share payment via Multi-Currency e-Pay Maybank Kim Eng will inform you of any unsuccessful payment via phone call. Q16. After I start using Multi-Currency e-Pay, how do I link additional or delink existing Maybank account(s) for the purpose of Multi-Currency e-Pay To add Maybank account(s) or delink existing account(s) from Multi-Currency e-Pay, approach your nearest Maybank Kim Eng Customer Service Centre or Investor Centre for assistance. Q1. What is the Rewards programme about Maybank Kim Eng Rewards Programme (ldquoRewards Programmerdquo) is a loyalty programme that lets you earn points to redeem a range of items from our catalogue. Q2. Who is eligible for the Rewards programme All KE Trade, KE Trade Prefunded and Margin clients are eligible for the Rewards Programme. Q3. How do I earnaccumulate points For every SGD25 of commission payable for your online andor mobile trades, you will earn 1 Rewards Point. Please note that from 1 June 2016, you will receive 1 point for every SGD5 of commission paid on your online and mobile trades instead of 1 point for every SGD25 of commission on these trades so that you can accumulate more points, fast. We will also multiply your existing Rewards Points and the Rewards Points needed for each item by 5. Rewards Points will be awarded on a contract level daily, and rounded down to the nearest Rewards Point. Q4. Will my points expire Yes. Points accumulated in a single calendar year will expire 3 months (31 March) after the end of the calendar year (31 December), i. e. your points accumulated in this calendar year will expire on 31 March of the next calendar year. Q5. How are points awarded to clients with multiple trading accounts Points will be awarded based on a clients unique KE Trade User ID. Points earned from multiple trading accounts under the same KE Trade User ID will be amalgamated. Q6. How do I redeem an item Simply click on the itemrsquos ldquoRedeemrdquo, ldquoConfirmrdquo or ldquoAdd to Cartrdquo button and go to ldquoItems in Cartrdquo to confirm your redemption. Q7. What are TREATS vouchers Rewards Points can be used to redeem TREATS vouchers. These vouchers are accepted at a wide range of merchants island-wide, including malls, major departmental stores as well as dining and retail outlets. They include EpiCentre, Robinsons, TANGS, Best Denki, Courts, GNC, Long Beach Seafood, TungLok, Swensenrsquos and more. Q8. I have redeemed a Rewards item from the Home, Health amp Lifestyle category. When must I collect the item by The Rewards items you have redeemed must be collected within 3 months. Assuming you redeem Sony Headphones on 1 Jun, you must collect the item by 30 Aug. Q9. I have redeemed a Rewards item from the Leisure amp Entertainment category. When must I collect the item by The Rewards items you have redeemed must be collected within 3 months. Assuming you redeem two Shaw Theatres movie tickets on 1 Jun, you must collect the tickets by 30 Aug. Q10. I have redeemed a shopping or dining voucher from the Vouchers category. When must I collect the item by The vouchers you have redeemed must be collected within 3 months. Assuming you redeem two SGD50 AsiaMalls Gift Vouchers on 1 Jun, you must collect the vouchers by 30 Aug. If you have redeemed a TREATS voucher, they have to be used within 6 months. Assuming you redeemed the voucher on 1 Jun, you will have to use the voucher by 31 Dec. Q11. What are trade rebates They are rebates denominated in SGD10 and SGD20 that can be used in relation to commissions. From 1 June 2016, trade rebates can be used on KE Trade, KE Trade Prefunded and KE Trade Margin trades. Q12. How do trade rebates work If you redeem trade rebates, they will be reflected under ldquoRedemption Statusrdquo gt ldquoRedemption Historyrdquo as being ldquoApprovedrdquo. The rebate will then be applied to your next eligible online or mobile trade. The following illustrations show how trade rebates work: Illustration 1: Assume you redeem one SGD20 trade rebate on the Rewards portal on Day 1. On Day 2, you execute a Margin trade and are charged a commission of SGD25. On T3, you make payment for your Margin trade via EPS. During the next calendar month, your rebate will be processed and by the end of the month, SGD20 will be credited to your Margin account. Illustration 2: Assume you redeem two SGD10 trade rebates on the Rewards portal on Day 1. On Day 2, you execute a trade from your KE Trade Prefunded account and are charged a commission of SGD18. On T3, the payment for this trade is deducted from your KE Trade Prefunded account. During the next calendar month, your SGD10 rebate will be applied and by the end of the month, SGD10 will be credited to your KE Trade Prefunded account. Q13. How long are my trade rebates valid for Each trade rebate is valid for 3 months from the date of redemption. That means that you need to execute your next online or mobile trade within this 3-month period for the trade rebate to be applied. Assuming you redeem an SGD20 trade rebate on 1 Jun, you need to execute a trade generating at least SGD20 commission by 1 Sep for the trade rebate to be applied. Q14. Where can I see the expiry date of my trade rebates Go to the Rewards portal and click ldquoRedemption Statusrdquo. Click on the ldquoDetailsrdquo button next to the ldquoTrade Rebate Available Balancerdquo. The expiry date of each redeemed trade rebate is stated in the ldquoExpiry Daterdquo column. Q15. How do I find out which contracts my trade rebates will be used in relation to Under ldquoRedemption Statusrdquo, click on the ldquoDetailsrdquo button next to the ldquoTrade Rebate Available Balancerdquo. The details of the contracts can be read off from the columns ldquoAccount Nordquo, ldquoContract Nordquo, ldquoContract Daterdquo and ldquoBrokerage Amount (S)rdquo. If your trade rebates have been processed, it will be reflected as ldquoUtilizedrdquo under the ldquoRemarksrdquo column. Q16. How do I check if I have sufficient available balance for the SMS Alerts andor Forced Order Keys rewards Click on ldquoRedemption Statusrdquo for a snapshot of your available balance for SMS Alerts and Forced Order Keys. Q17. How does auto redemption work The auto redemption feature allows you to redeem selected Rewards items automatically, based on a preset criteria. Auto redemption will be triggered once the preset criteria is met. For example, if the ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value is set at 10, then the auto redemption will be triggered when the available balance equals to or falls below the ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value. The ldquoRedeemrdquo value determines the quantity to be automatically redeemed when the available balance falls below the ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value. Trade Rebate Example: Assume you set the ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value for SGD20 Trade Rebate to 2 and the ldquoRedeemrdquo value to 2. When the available balance for SGD20 Trade Rebates equals to 2 on Day 1, another 2 SGD20 Trade Rebates will be automatically redeemed for you at the end of Day 1, and you will begin Day 2 with SGD80 worth of trade rebates. Market Depth Example: Assume you set ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value for Market Depth to 3 months and ldquoRedeemrdquo value to 1 month. When Market Depths expiry falls to less than 3 months on Day 1, 1 more month of Market Depth will be automatically redeemed for you at the end of Day 1, and you will begin Day 2 with Market Depth expiring 4 months later. SMS Alert Example: Assume you set the ldquoMinimum Balancerdquo value for SMS Alerts to 10 SMSes and the ldquoRedeemrdquo value to 10 SMSes. When the available balance for SMS Alerts falls to 9 SMSes on Day 1, another 10 SMS Alerts will be automatically redeemed for you at the end of Day 1, and you will begin Day 2 with 19 SMS Alerts. Please take note that all auto redemptions are dependent on your available balance of Rewards Points. Rewards Points will be deducted from your account for every successful auto redemption. Insufficient points in your account will result in an unsuccessful auto redemption for the item. Q18. How do I set up auto redemption Simply click on ldquoAuto Redemptionrdquo located on the top menu bar of the Rewards portal and set your preferences. Please refer to Q17 for more details. Q1. Are orders sent through KE Trade safe Maybank Kim Eng will issue you with your User ID and password separately via postal mail. All orders placed andor transactions done are secured and encrypted using Verisign 128-bits Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. Our KE Trade platform is further protected by Firewalls to prevent non-authorised persons from hacking into the system. Q2. Will I be receiving two sets of User IDs and passwords for my KE Trade Internet account and Margin account You will be given only one User ID and password when you apply for KE Trades Share and Margin accounts. You will be able to use your User ID and password to operate both your Internet Cash and Margin accounts. You can select the CashMargin account in the Trading Account drop-down bar upon logging into KE Trade. Q3. How do I change my User ID To change your User ID, complete the following steps: Select Personal Configuration (at the right hand side of the screen) after you have logged into our website Select Change User ID Enter your new User ID and confirm the new User ID (Note: Your new User ID must be between 5 to 25 characters) Click on the word Change thereafter. A message will appear to confirm that the User ID has been successfully changed Q4. How do I change my password To change your password, complete the following steps: Select Personal Configuration (at the right hand side of the screen) after you have logged into our website Select Change User ID Enter your current password, your new password, then confirm the new password (Note: Your new password has to be of 6 to 12 characters (alphanumeric, case-sensitive) with no spacepunctuation marks) Click on the word Change thereafter. A message will appear to confirm that the password has been successfully changed For security reasons, it is advisable to: Change your password on a regular basis Create a good and strong password (case-sensitive, combination of alphabets and numerals) Note: your password should be known only to yourself and should not be shared or disclosed to others. Q5. I have forgotten my User ID andor password. What should I do If you have forgotten your password, please click here and your password will be e-mailed to you. This is only applicable if you have a Singapore registered mobile number and valid e-mail address in our records. Otherwise, please complete this form and send it to helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg. Upon successful verification of your signature, we will send the new password by post to your mailing address in our records. For assistance on your User ID, please contact Customer Services at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg or (65) 6432 1888. Q6. What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the verification of a users online identity. The current practice used by financial institutions in Singapore is the provision of a unique One-Time Password (OTP) to their clients. This is also practiced by Maybank Kim Eng. When a client wishes to access one of our online services, the client is required to enter an additional unique OTP, which is generated on demand through a hardware token device. Q7. What is the purpose of 2FA The key objectives of 2FA are to enhance the overall security of the client authentication process and to protect the integrity of client account data and transaction details. In doing so, client confidence in online trading systems will be boosted. Furthermore, 2FA is a useful tool against cyber attacks targeted at financial institutions and their clients. Q8. Is 2FA compulsory for trading through Maybank Kim Eng At this point in time, 2FA is not compulsory for trading through us. However, we strongly believe that 2FA provides better security for clients and we encourage clients to use 2FA to enjoy an enhanced level of security during online trading. Q9. Can I choose not to use 2FA Yes, at this point in time, 2FA is optional and not compulsory for our clients. We will update clients should 2FA become mandatory in future. Q10. When do I need to use the One-Time Password (OTP) You will be prompted for the OTP only upon login. There is no 2FA OTP required for performing online transactions at this moment. Q11. What is the OneKey device The OneKey device is the name of the 2FA security device from Assurity Trusted Solutions Pte Ltd (ldquoAssurityrdquo). It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). Assurity was set up as an Authentication Operator to facilitate the National Authentication Framework (NAF). It provides 2FA services to Online Service Providers (SPs) in the financial, government and healthcare sectors. We have chosen to use the OneKey device and authentication services provided by Assurity. We are one of their NAF enabled Online Service Providers (SPs). Q12. Who would require the OneKey device KE Trade Online clients who have individual accounts and are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents would require the OneKey device with effect from November 2012. Q13. Is 2FA applicable if I log in via KE Trade Mobile Currently, 2FA is only applicable when you access the KE Trade Online platform. It is not applicable for log in via KE Trade Mobile yet. Q14. How do I obtain the OneKey device If you are an individual account holder and a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, you can obtain the OneKey device by registering for the device. Please refer to Q16. Joint account holders, Corporate account holders and foreigners with individual accounts may request for the OneKey device by calling Customer Services at (65) 6432 1888 . Q15. Do I have to pay for the OneKey device The first OneKey device is issued free to all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q16. How do I register for the OneKey device When you log in to your KE Trade account, the 2FA menu screen will be displayed. Click on the ldquoRegisterrdquo button and you will be directed to Assurityrsquos website for the registration process. Have your NRIC on hand and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration. Upon successful registration, you should receive your OneKey device within three working days and your pin-mailer password within five working days. Alternatively, you may register for the OneKey directly from Assurity. Online Please visit portal. assurity. sg and click on ldquoRegister for OneKeyrdquo. Have your NRIC on hand and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration. Upon successful registration, you should receive your OneKey device within three working days and your pin-mailer password within five working days. In person Register personally at the OneKey Customer Care Centre by presenting your NRIC. Address: 10 Anson Road 06-19 International Plaza Singapore 079903 Operating Hours: Mon - Fri: 8.00am - 6.00pm Sat: 8.00am - 2.00pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. Q17. I am not able to register successfully for the OneKey device. What could be the possible reasons If the local address you input differs from that on your NRIC, your registration will not be successful. You will then be required to head down personally to the OneKey Customer Care Centre to register for and collect your device. Do note that delivery of the OneKey device is only available within Singapore. If your online registration is rejected for any other reasons, you will be required to head down to the OneKey Customer Care Centre as well. Q18. I did not receive my OneKey device after 3 working days following successful registration. What should I do Please call the OneKey Customer Care Hotline at (65) 65663539 (OKONEKEY) to report the non-delivery so that arrangements can be made for you to receive a replacement device. Q19. I have received the OneKey device and the pin-mailer password. How do I activate the device Together with your OneKey device and the activation password found in your pin-mailer, log into your KE Trade account. Click on the ldquoActivaterdquo button on the 2FA menu screen and you will be directed to Assurityrsquos website for the activation process. Alternatively, you can visit onekey. sg. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration. Q20. Where can I find my OneKey devices serial number This 10-digit serial number starting with VA-26-4xxxxxx-x can be found at the bottom left hand corner at the back of your OneKey security device. Q21. How do I obtain the OTP Press the OTP button on your OneKey to get your One-Time Password (OTP). Q22. I obtained the OneKey device directly from the OneKey Customer Care Centre. How do I activate the device If you collected your OneKey at the Customer Care Centre, your activation password would have been issued to you at the same time. You can activate your OneKey at any of the Self Activation Counters available at the Customer Care Centre or activate it later by following the steps detailed in Q19. Q23. I have activated the OneKey device, what do I do next You should proceed to link your OneKey device to your KE Trade account by following the steps detailed in Q26. Q24. Can I defer activating my OneKey device Your activation password sent in the pin-mailer is valid for only 90 days from the date the pin-mailer was sent out. If you choose to activate your device after the expiry date, you will need to call the OneKey Customer Care Hotline at (65) 65663539 (OKONEKEY) to request for a new activation password. Q25. I forgot to activate my OneKey immediately after I received the pin-mailer password. What should I do Your activation password sent in the pin-mailer is valid for only 90 days from the date the pin-mailer was sent out. If you missed the validity period, please call the OneKey Customer Care Hotline at (65) 65663539 (OKONEKEY) to request for a new activation password. Q26. How do I link OneKey to my KE Trade account Log into your KE Trade account and click on the ldquoLinkrdquo button on the 2FA menu screen. Have your OneKey device and the NAF Username which you created when you activated your OneKey on hand. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the link. Q27. I am opening a new KE Trade individual account and my OneKey is linked to my existing KE Trade account. Do I have to link my OneKey to the new account as well If you are using the same User ID to log into KE Trade, there is no need to link your current OneKey to your new account. Q28. I received a OneKey device from another Service Provider. Can I use that OneKey device and link it to my KE Trade account Yes. You may do so by following the steps detailed in Q26. Q29. Using the same OneKey device that is already linked to my individual trading account, can I link it to my joint trading account No. There will be separate registration for joint account holders. Currently, 2FA is only applicable to individual accounts whose holders are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents. Q30. I obtained a new OneKey device. How do I link this new device to my KE Trade account Log into your KE Trade account. Please follow the Note at the bottom of the 2FA Login Screen which says ldquoIf you would like to change the current OneKey device that is linked to your KE Trade account, please click here. rdquo You will be re-directed to a 2FA Device Update Screen. Have your OneKey device and the NAF Username which you created when you activated your OneKey on hand. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the linkage. Q31. When is the OneKey device required Whenever you log into your KE Trade account, you will be prompted for the OTP from the OneKey device. This is applicable once you have linked your OneKey device to your KE Trade account. Q32. I do not have my OneKey device with me. Can I use my friendrsquos device to input the OTP No. You can only use the OneKey device that is uniquely registered to your NRIC and linked to your KE Trade account to generate the OTP. Q33. I received a OneKey device from another Service Provider. Can I use the other OneKey device to obtain the OTP Yes. This can be done by linking that OneKey device to your KE Trade account. Once linked, you can generate the OTP from that device. Do note that you can only link one device at one time to your KE Trade account. Q34. What should I do if my OneKey device is damaged or lost Please contact the OneKey Customer Care Centre Help Desk at (65) 65663539 or log into your OneKey account to suspend your device using your SMS OTP (One Time Password) and to get a replacement device from Assurity. To suspend means to block the use of your token for a certain period of time. You will then be able to re-activate your device for use in the future. Q35. I travel frequently, will I be able to use the OneKey device abroad Yes. Q36. I left my OneKey at home. What should I do if I wish to access KE Trade You will require your physical OneKey device to log in to your account. Q37. What should I do when I keep getting error messages about failed OTP login Please call OneKey Customer Care Hotline at (65) 65663539 (OKONEKEY) for assistance. Q38. Why are there so many buttons on the OneKey device, when I only need to use one The remaining buttons allow us to progressively offer you new and improved features for more secure online trading. These additional features will be offered in future in phases. Q39. Can I have more than one OneKey device Yes. You may purchase additional OneKey devices from OneKey Customer Care Centre. Do note that you can only link one device at one time to your KE Trade account. Q1. When must I pay for the shares that I have bought Payment for all trades must be made by the due date, i. e. T3 and payment must reach Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltds cashier by 6.00 pm on the due date at the latest. Please make your cheques payable to: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd. For Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) payments for SGX trades, payment must be initiated on T2 at the latest. Where there is a failure to make payment on the due date as specified, the outstanding purchases will be force-sold by us on T4. Notes: T refers to Trade Date, i. e. date when the trade was done. T3 market days refers to 3 market days after trade date, e. g. if a trade is done on a Monday, T3 market days will fall on Thursday. Q2. When must I pay for the foreign shares that I have bought in foreign markets Payment for all trades must be made by the due date and payment must reach Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltds cashier by 6pm on due date at the latest. Please make your cheques payable to: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd. For Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) payments for foreign trades that are settled in SGD, it must be initiated 1 market day before the due date at the latest. Where there is a failure to make payment on the due date as specified, the outstanding purchases will be force-sold by us on the next market day. The due date for foreign trades on the respective foreign markets via KE Trade is stipulated below: Note: T refers to Trade Date, i. e. date when the trade was done. T3 market days refers to 3 market days after trade date, e. g. if a trade is done on a Monday, T3 market days will fall on Thursday. Q3. When will I receive my payment when I sell my shares All sales proceeds will be paid to you 1 market day after the due date. Q4. When will I receive my payment when I sell my foreign shares Settlement for both buy and sell trades of counters done through KE Trade is the same as normal trades done through Trading Representatives. All sales proceeds will be paid to you 1 market day after the due date. However, the due date of foreign trades will depend on the settlement period as stipulated by the respective markets. Q5. How do I trade using my CPF funds or SRS Account You are required to open a CPF Investment Account with any of the following CPF Agent Banks: DBS Bank Ltd (DBS) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC Bank) United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) To commence trading with your CPF funds, email your CPF Investment Account number to helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg or call your Trading Representative. SRS You are required to open a Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Account with any of the following SRS Agent Banks: DBS Bank Ltd (DBS) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC Bank) United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) To commence trading using funds in your SRS Account, email your SRS Account number to helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg or call your Trading Representative. Q6. What happens if my CPF funds are insufficient Once you do not have sufficient funds in your CPF Investment Account, your trade may be partially (depending on how much funds are available for investments) or fully revoked and will be treated as a cash trade. You are required to check with the CPF Board directly on the amount of CPF funds available. Q7. What currency do I settle in if I buy non-SGD denominated stocks from SGX An option of settlement currency is available for your selection. By default, settlement of non-Singapore currency denominated stocks will be in the traded currency, i. e. if the stock is quoted in USD, settlement will be in USD. However, if you wish to settle in SGD after the trade is done, please contact your Trading Representative to book an exchange rate for conversion and settlement in SGD. Q8. To whom do I make payments and cheque payable to Please make your payments andor cheques payable to: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd. Q9. What are the modes of payment to settle my trades for local and foreign markets A. Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) With EPS, you can pay via ATMs or Internet Banking. All sale proceeds will be directly credited into your bank account. Please note that funds transferred before 8pm will be credited into your account on the next working day. To apply for this service, you may download the following application form. Alternatively, you may visit our Customer Service Centres or Investor Centres. B. Internet Banking You can pay via Internet Banking through the following banks: Maybank Singapore DBS (DBS Bank) HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) OCBC Bank (Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation) SCB (Standard Chartered Bank) UOB (United Overseas Bank) Payment via Maybank Singapore Internet Banking Before making a payment using Maybank Internet Banking, you will need to set up Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd as a new Payee Account for Share Payment: i) Select the Payment tab, followed by Share Payment ii) Under Share Payment, set up the new Payee Account by selecting Update Payee Account List Please ensure that you include your 7-digit trading account number (e. g. 0123456). After the Payee Account is set up successfully, you can proceed to make a payment in a lump sum or according to your contract amount. Payment via Internet Banking (All banks listed above except Maybank) When making a Bill Payment, you will need to identify yourself with a Bill RefConsumer Reference. This has eight characters, beginning with the code of your Trading Representative (e. g. AZ), followed by your six (6)-digit Margin account number (e. g. 123456). In this example, your Bill RefConsumer Reference will be AZ123456. Please note that funds transferred before 8 pm will reach Maybank Kim Eng the next working day. C. Fast And Secure Transfers - FAST You can pay via FAST using Internet Banking through the following participating banks: bull ANZ Bank bull CIMB Bank bull Citibank bull DBS Bank bull Deutsche Bank bull Far Eastern Bank bull HSBC bull Maybank bull OCBC Bank bull RHB Bank bull Royal Bank of Scotland bull Standard Chartered Bank bull Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation bull United Overseas Bank When making a FAST Payment, please use the following information: Recipientrsquos name. Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd Recipientrsquos bank account. 040-110-232-02 ( Maybank, Singapore ) Description Reference Comments. Please input your six (6)-digit trading account number, eg. 123456 Note. Funds transferred before 8pm will reach Maybank Kim Eng on the next working day. D. Internal funds transfer You may request for funds to be transferred between trading accounts. Please contact your Trading Representative for more information E. Multi-Currency e-Pay Enhance your online trading advantage with KE Trades new payment service - Multi-Currency e-Pay, the first-of-its-kind in Singapore Enjoy the convenience of trading and paying for SGD, HKD and USD denominated stocks through a single platform - KE Trade Online. Eliminate the need for foreign currency conversion when you link KE Trade to a Maybank account that holds the same currency your stock is denominated in. Furthermore, get speedier payouts with no hidden costs or service charges to maximize your potential yield and make the most of trading opportunities. With this convenient and seamless service on KE Trade Online, there will no longer be a need to log into a separate internet banking account to pay for stocks. Additionally, sales proceeds will be credited to your designated Maybank accounts right on due date, which translates to quicker access to funds. Eliminate the Need for Foreign Currency Conversion Your KE Trade Online account will be linked to a Maybank account which holds the currency that your stock is denominated in. This allows you to tap directly on the account when you pay and hereby eliminates the need for foreign currency conversion which may impact your yield. No Hidden Costs or Service Charges Unlike other modes of foreign currency payment like Telegraphic Transfers (TT) or foreign currency cheque issuances where a service charge is typically imposed, there are no service charges imposed when you make payment via Multi-Currency e-Pay. Preferential Interest Rates Enjoy preferential interest rates and fee waivers for your Maybank SGD, HKD and USD banking accounts. Clicca qui per maggiori dettagli. Option to Set a Backup Account Multi-Currency e-Pay allows you to set a secondary account as a backup to your primary account for the deduction of share payments, should your primary account have insufficient funds. This will thus prevent the force selling of shares due to non-payment. Click here to sign up for Multi-Currency e-Pay now. All cheques should be crossed and made payable to Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd. Please state your trading account number, contractcontra statement number, name and your contact numbers on the back of the cheque. For cash payments, please visit any of our Customer Service Centres. H. Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Please state your trading account number and name on your TT form. GIRO is a direct debit and credit facility available to all DBSPOSB, OCBC and UOB bank account holders. It is the most convenient way to settle your trades. With Giro, the payment will be directly debited from or credited to your designated bank account when you trade and settle your trades in Singapore dollars. To apply for this service, email us at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg. Alternatively, you may visit any of our Customer Service Centres or our Investor Centres. J. Maybank ATMs and Cash Deposit Machines Maybank Savings Current Account Holders can now pay for their share purchases via Maybank ATMs and Cash Deposit Machine. Q10. How do I deposit funds to my KE Trade Prefunded account You can deposit funds via methods 1 (Electronic Payment for Shares - EPS), 2 (Internet Banking), 3 ( Fast And Secure Transfers - FAST). 6 (Cheque) and 7 (Cash) mentioned in Q9 above. Please refer to Q9 for more details on each of the methods. Q11. How can I withdraw funds from my trading account(s) Please contact your Trading Representative to assist you with withdrawing of funds. Q12. If I place two buy or sell orders for the same counter on the same trade date, will these two orders be amalgamated into one contract The two buy orders or sell orders for the same counter placed on the same trade date will be automatically amalgamated. However, you will have to provide your Trading Representative with instructions for amalgamation if there are differences between the two orders. These differences are as follow: Only one order is an odd lot. For example, first buy order for Creative50 is placed for 1 lot (or 1,000 shares), but the second buy order for Creative50 is placed for 25 shares. Only one order is a contra trade while the other is an outright purchase. The settlement currency for both orders differs. Your amalgamation instructions must reach your Trading Representative by 5pm on T1 market day. Please note that if both orders are CPF trades, instructions to the Trading Representative for amalgamation has to be given on the same trade date. No amalgamation can be made if one order is a cash trade while the other is a CPF trade. Q13. How will contra be performed As a general rule, contra will be performed automatically on a first-in-first-out basis if there is a corresponding sell contract to match against an outstanding buy contract of the same counter (not applicable to CPFSRS transactions). If you do not wish to contra your trade(s) on a first-in-first-out basis, kindly inform your Trading Representative by the end of the trading day of the sell trade(s) at the latest. For trades settled in SGD, USD, HKD and AUD, contra will be allowed up to due (lsquoDrsquo) date. For Bursa Malaysia trades, contra in MYR will be allowed till due (lsquoDrsquo) date for buy proceeds up to MYR500,000 on a per counter basis. For amounts above MYR500,000, only intra-day contra will be allowed. All contra profitslosses will, by default, be converted to SGD. If you do not wish for the contra profitslosses to be converted to SGD, kindly inform your Trading Representative by the end of the trading day of the sell trade(s) at the latest or inform your Trading Representative to submit a standing instruction on your behalf. Any contra losses due for settlement in foreign currencies will be converted to SGD after 7 market days to minimise any foreign currency exposure. Q14. Can I settle Thailand trades in Baht Thai Baht settlement is only applicable for non-Thai residents. The bank account must be a Non Resident Baht Account for Securities (NRBS) account before the transfer can take place. Q15. Who can apply for Multi-Currency ePay Anyone with a Maybank Kim Eng trading account and a relevant Maybank account can apply for Multi-Currency e-Pay. Q16. Can I apply for Multi-Currency ePay if I do not have a Maybank account This service is exclusively to Maybank account holders. If you do not have a Maybank account, you may visit our Investor Centres with the necessary supporting documents to open your Maybank account(s) (in SGD, USD, or HKD) and set up Multi-Currency e-Pay. Alternatively, you may download the application form and submit it to: Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd Client Services Department 9 Temasek Boulevard 12-00 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989 Q17. Can I apply for Multi-Currency ePay if I have an existing EPS or GIRO arrangement Yes. EPSGIRO arrangements will be terminated during the application process. Q16. What is NYSE Arca NYSE Arca is a securities exchange which offers both stocks and options for trading. Most of the ETFs listed in the US markets are listed on NYSE Arca. NYSE Arca continues to hold the leading position in Exchange Traded Products listing and exchange trading. Q17. Do I need to pass the qualifications assessment for Specified Investment Product (SIP) if I want to trade on NYSE Arca Yes. ETFs are classified as Specified Investment Products (SIPs) and clients are required to pass the qualifications assessment before trading ETFs. In addition, clients need to complete the W8-BEN Form before trading in the US markets. Q18. Can I buy a dual-listed stock on NYSE Arca when it is also available on the other primary exchanges, i. e. NASDAQ and NYSE To prevent short-selling, clients will not be able to trade dual-listed stocks on NYSE Arca. Clients have to place orders for these dual-listed stocks on the primary exchanges, i. e. NASDAQ or NYSE. Q19. Can I trade on NYSE Arca via KE Trade Mobile Yes. Trading on NYSE Arca is available across our full suite of mobile applications. Q20. Why am I seeing empty rows in NYSE Arca Top Volume, Gainers and Losers Unlike other exchanges, NYSE Arcas Top Volume, Gainers and Losers will only display 10 counters. The empty rows may indicate dual-listed stocks which are also listed on other primary exchanges, i. e. NASDAQ and NYSE. Clients have to place orders for these dual-listed stocks on their primary exchanges. Q1. Is there a limit on the quantity or value of shares that I can buysell A global trading limit (for trades done through your Trading Representative and KE Trade) is set based on information furnished in your account opening form. The daily trading limit on KE Trade is a subset of the global trading limit. Once you have reached this limit on a particular day, you will not be able to trade via KE Trade. However, you may continue to trade through your Trading Representative if your total outstanding transactions does not exceed the global trading limit. On the next market day, you may resume trading on KE Trade at the same daily limit, assuming you have not exceeded your global trading limit. Q2. How will I know the status of my orders We will send you an e-mail immediately once your order has been executed. Alternatively, you may check the status of all your trades through the Orders pagelet. The system will show you one or more of the following statuses of your order(s): Q3. Can I amend or withdraw my orders Once you have confirmed your order, it will be received by KE Trade and will be put in the queue. To amend or withdraw your order, go to your Orders pagelet: Right click on the counter on your Order pagelet that you wish to amend or withdraw then choose the function Amend or Withdraw. Please include the Partially Filled quantity (if any) in the New Quantity value when amending orders for HKEx, Bursa, NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges. Q4. How will order amendment affect the order queue priority for SGX and HKEX Amendment of order price and quantity are available for SGX and HKEX. Please note that order queue priority will be lost if there is an increase in the order quantity or an increasedecrease in the order price. Order priority will be maintained if there is a decrease in order quantity. The revised order price will be subject to the price spread validation check by HKEX and SGX. Q5. Can I contra my trades As a general rule, contra will be performed automatically on a first-in-first-out basis if there is a corresponding sell contract to match against an outstanding buy contract of the same counter (not applicable to CPFSRS transactions). For trades settled in SGD, USD, HKD and AUD, contra will be allowed up to due date (D). Any contra losses due for settlement in foreign currencies will be converted to SGD after 7 market days to minimise any foreign currency exposure. For Bursa Malaysia trades: Contra in MYR will be allowed till D for buy proceeds up to MYR500,000 on a per counter basis. For amounts above MYR500,000, only intra-day contra will be allowed. If you do not wish to contra your trade(s) on a first-in-first-out basis, kindly inform your Trading Representative latest by the end of the trading day of the sell trade(s). Q6. Am I allowed to do short-selling Please note that we DO NOT permit short selling without the ability to make delivery for all markets. You will be responsible for all losses, damages, costs, charges andor expenses arising as a result. Should you desire to short sell a counter, you may use our Securities Borrowing amp Lending (SBL) facility which would allow you to borrow securities to short sell, subject to our Securities Borrowing amp Lending terms and conditions. Please visit Securities Borrowing amp Lending for more information. Q7. What should I do if I made an error resulting in a short sell position For any error made, you are required to cover the short positions within the trade date (T). Q8. What happens if I am unable to cover my short sell position within trade date (T) Any failure to cover the short positions on the trade date would result in a buying-in instituted by the SGX on the due date (T3 at 3:00pm and T3 at 11:00am for eve of public holidays). Please note that the following additional cost will be borne by you for buying-in: Buying-in processing fee of SGD75 (subject to 7 GST). Commission rate of 0.75 of contract value. In the event that the buying-in is not completed by T3, buying-in will continue on T4 amp T5 with a penalty of SGD1,000 or 5 of contract value, whichever is higher. Should there be any buying-in not completed by T6, the short position will be subject to procurement. If the position is not covered by T6, the penalty is SGD5,000 per day until the short position is fully covered. Q9. Can I use CPF to trade or do contra using CPF funds You can use up to 35 of your approved CPF investment amount to invest in securities. However, you must open a CPF Investment Account with any of the agentlocal banks: DBS Bank Ltd (DBS) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC Bank) United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) Sign a one-time Standing Instruction Form for Utilisation of CPF Funds. This form may be submitted through us or upon opening a CPF Investment Account. Your agent bank will send a confirmation of your approved CPF Investment Account number once it is successfully opened. You must update us with your approved CPF Investment Account number for linkage to your trading account via your trading representative or email to us. Once your linkage has been established with us successfully, you may start using your CPF funds to trade. You may not use any CPF funds to do contra trading, or for settlement of foreign trades, or for non-CPF approved counters. You may call your Trading Representative to check if a particular counter is CPF approved. Q10. Can I queue at a price that is above or below the current market price and what is Minimum Bid Size SGX will reject an order that is queued at a price that is more than twenty (20) bids for securities, thirty bids (30) for exchange traded funds, STI ETF, Bonds, debentures and loan stocks. The minimum bids for stocks and shares listed on the SGX are as follows: Excludes exchange traded funds, bonds, debentures, loan stocks and securities traded in Hong Kong Dollar and Japanese Yen. SGX will be customising the minimum bid structures for these products. For further information, please refer to SGX website here . Q11. Why are my orders rejected Orders submitted could be rejected for these possible reasons: You have submitted an order with a price that is not within 20 bids of the last done price. Overnight orders submitted beyond twenty 20 bids of the previous days closing price will be rejected during the Pre-Opening routine at 8.30am (Singapore time). Your Buy price is higher than the current best Ask (selling) price or your Sell price is lower than the current best Bid (buying) price. You have exceeded your Trading Limit. Please contact your Trading Representative for any request in the revision of your trading limit. Per esempio. you do not have sufficient securities holdings in your selected trading account in order to proceed with the sell order. Q12. What is the validity period for my orders All orders submitted are only valid for one trading day. Any orders that are not done at the end of each trading day will expire. Q13. How do I trade using my CPF Investment or SRS (Supplementary Retirement Scheme) account To trade using your CPFSRS account, please select CPF or SRS as the payment mode when submitting your online order. Q14. What do I need to take note of when performing CPFSRS trades CPF payment mode is available for all CPF approved stocks listed on SGX. There will be a CPF indicator displayed under the Ind column of our trading platform for stocks that are tradable via CPF investment account. SRS payment mode is available for most SGX stocks except for ADRs and some corporate bonds. Clients are advised to check against the prospectus or with their agent banks if a stock is eligible under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS). Kindly ensure that SGD is selected as the settlement currency for all CPFSRS trades. In the event if foreign currency is selected as the settlement currency, the CPFSRS trade will be revoked to Cash trade. Kindly ensure that there are sufficient funds in the CPFSRS account for purchases. In the event that there is insufficient funds in the CPFSRS account, the CPFSRS trades will be revoked to Cash trade and subject to the normal settlement rules of trade date 3 market days. Contra is not allowed for all CPFSRS trades. Kindly contact your Trading Representative on Trade Date for any amendments to CPFSRS trades. Please note that agent banks charge additional processing fees for trade amendments made after Trade Date. Q15. What is continuous all-day trading that is being offered by SGX Continuous all-day trading allows you to trade on SGX-ST during lunch period, between 12.30pm and 2pm. Continuous all-day trading for the securities market has been implemented by SGX since 1 August 2011. This enables you to trade non-stop between 9am and 5.05pm Singapore time on trading days, allowing you to take advantage of news flow in the international markets at anytime during the day. For the official SGX press release on continuous all-day trading, please click here . Q16. What are random endings to the Pre-Open and Pre-Close phases of the Opening and Closing Routines SGX has introduced random endings to the Pre-Open and Pre-Close phases of the Opening and Closing Routines to mitigate risks of pre-opening and pre-closing price manipulation. This means that the market will close at any time within a specified interval rather than at a designated time. (a) Pre-Open and Opening Routines Pre-Open routine will continue to start at 0830h but will end randomly between 0858h to 0859h, i. e. Non-Cancel period can start any time between 0858h to 0859h. The market will continue to open at 0900h. (b) Pre-Close and Closing Routines Pre-Close routine will continue to start at 1700h but will end randomly between 1704h and 1705h for a full trading day, i. e. Non-Cancel period can start any time between 1704h to 1705h. The market will continue to close at 1706h. Nota. For half trading day, Pre-Close routine will end randomly between 1234h and 1235h, i. e. Non-Cancel period can start any time between 1234h and 1235h. Q17. What is Indicative Equilibrium Price (lsquoIEPrsquo) and where will it be published To provide greater market transparency, a new column named ldquoEPrdquo will be added to KE Trade screen to display the Indicative Equilibrium Price (ldquoIEPrdquo). IEP is the price at which orders would be executed if orders matching were to occur at that point. This will help clients to assess the market and adjust their orders if desired. Do note that all better bidask prices and quantities will be masked to safeguard against manipulation of the eventual equilibrium price. Clients will no longer be able to view better bidask prices and quantities during the Pre-Opening (0830h to 0859h) and Pre-Closing routines (1700h to 1705h). Q18. On the Quotes page, what do the abbreviations in the Remark (Rmk) column denote Remarks for SGX Singapore Market 9.15am - 09.25am (Opening Call Auction) 9.30am - 11.30am (Continuous Auction (Morning)) 1.00pm - 3.00pm (Continuous Auction (Afternoon)) SSE will not accept order cancellation 9.10am - 9.15am 9.25am - 9.30am 12.55pm - 1.00pm Orders and order cancellations can be accepted by SEHK but will not be processed by SSE until SSErsquos Market Open Orders that are not executed during the opening call auction session will automatically enter the continuous auction session The exchanges above are not open for trading on weekends and Public Holidays in the respective countries. Q20. What are the non-trading days for Singapore Exchange (SGX-ST), Bursa Malaysia (Bursa), Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect North Bound (SH-HK) Click here to view Singapore Exchange non-trading days. Click here to view Bursa Malaysia non-trading days. Click here to view Hong Kong Exchange non-trading days. Click here to view Thailand Exchange non-trading days. Investors are only allowed to trade on days where both markets are open for trading and banking services are opened in both markets on corresponding settlement days. SH-HK will provide the Northbound Trading Calendar at the beginning of each calendar year. Q21. What is dual currency trading, introduced by SGX SGX has introduced dual currency trading for selected stocks. The listed stock can be traded in two different currency denominations (for example, USD and SGD) and shareunit holdings are custodised as a consolidated pool at the depository end. The introduction of this functionality provides more cost efficiency to investors as they are able to trade stocks that are listed in a foreign currency in their local currency. They are also able to trade the listed stock in both currencies without having to have separate unit holdings at CDP. Please click here for more information. Q22. What is the main advantage for dual currency trading The main advantage of this functionality is that it provides investors the option to trade in either currency with transparency. Previously, investors who are trading in a USD-denominated stock counter and wish to settle the trade in another currency (i. e. SGD) will have to specify this during order entry and will be subject to foreign exchange settlement at the FX rate provided by your broker. With this new functionality, investors can directly buysell in the SGD counter without having to wait till settlement to know the converted amount. Q23. What are the risks associated with dual currency trading In most cases, the traded prices in the two counters should theoretically be equivalent or close to each other, taking into consideration the prevailing FX rate. However, in certain cases, due to other market supply and demand factors in the respective counters, the price relationship and difference between the two counters of the listed stock might not necessarily be the FX rate between both counters. This is possible in illiquid stocks and in the absence of market makers to provide competitive quotes. Q24. What is the board lot size for securities stocks listed on Singapore Exchange (SGX) Board lot is the designated trading size for each securities stock listed on SGX. In the SGX ready-market, the board lot of a securities stock is usually 100 shares. However, for certain stocks such as Creative Technology, the board lot is designated as 50 shares instead. Some counters also have different board lot sizes traded in the ready-market. An example is SingTel, which has board lot of 10 shares and 100 shares. Q25. What stocks are available for trading on SET For SET Market, only NVDRs (non-voting depository receipts) and foreign shares are available for trading. Please click here for more details on NVDRs. Q26. What stocks are available for trading on SH-HK Connect North Bound Constituent stocks of SSE180 and SSE380 Index. SSE-listed A shares not included as constituent stocks but have corresponding H shares listed on SEHK except for: SSE-listed shares not traded in RMB SSE-listed shares included in the risk alert board Q27. What is the trading quota for SH-HK Connect North Bound There are 2 types of quota imposed as part of SH-HK Connect. Maximum cross-boundary investment quota (Aggregate Quota) Quota of RMB300 billion Aggregate Quota balance Aggregate Quota ndash aggregate buy trades aggregate sell trades (calculated at the weighted average cost) Quota balance will be published on HKEX website after SSErsquos Market Close Northbound buying will only be allowed when aggregate quota is not hit Daily Quota Limits the maximum net buy value of cross-boundary trades under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect each day Quota of RMB13 billion Daily Quota Balance Daily Quota ndash Buy Orders Sell Trades Adjustment Daily Quota balance will be disseminated on HKEX website at 1-minute intervals Once Daily Quota is exceeded during a continuous auction session, no further buy orders will be accepted for the remainder of the day Q28. What are the trading rules and regulations for SH-HK Connect North Bound Only Limit Order Type is allowed Day trading not allowed (sell only shares available in stock account at end of the previous day) Board lot size of 100 shares - Odd lot is available for sell orders and odd lot must be in a single order Tick size is RMB0.01 General price limit of 10 based on previous closing price (order beyond price limit will be rejected by SSE) - No order amendment is allowed 30 max for foreign investorsrsquo shareholding. If exceeded, foreign investors will sell based on a last-in-first-out basis within five trading days Investor disclosure when 5 is reached Q29. What is a Closing Auction Session (CAS) in the Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX) A closing auction is a commonly used trading mechanism which allows trades to be executed at the closing price. During a closing auction, market participants may input buy and sell orders, with the price that most volume can be traded at forming the closing price. All orders will then be executed at that price. Q30. How will the trading hours change due to CAS for HKEX For the securities markets, the market closing time will change from 16:00 to a random closing of anytime between 16:08 and 16:10 for a normal trading day. It will change from 12:00 to a random closing of anytime between 12:08 and 12:10 for a half day trading. For the derivatives market, the closing times of normal trading sessions for Stock Index Futures and Options, Currency Futures and Commodity Futures will change from 16:15 to 16:30 for a normal trading day and from 12:00 to 12:30 for a half trading day, except on the last trading day of the contracts. The opening time of After-Hours Futures Trading will change from 17:00 to 17:15. In addition, trading hours on the last trading day, the final settlement price calculation algorithm and typhoon arrangements will also change accordingly. Q31. How does the CAS in HKEX work In the first period (Reference Price Fixing Period, 4:00-4:01 pm), a reference price, which sets the allowable price limit of the CAS (plusmn5 per cent from the reference price), is calculated for each CAS security. The reference price is determined by taking the median of 5 nominal prices in the last minute of the CTS. In the second period (Order Input Period, 4:01-4:06 pm), at-auction orders and at-auction limit orders within the plusmn5 per cent price limit can be entered, amended or cancelled. Starting from the third period (No-Cancellation Period, 4:06-4:08 pm), at-auction orders and at-auction limit orders can be entered. However, the prices of new at-auction limit orders must be between the lowest ask and highest bid of the order book, and no orders can be amended or cancelled. In the last period (Random Closing Period, 4:08-4:10 pm), the order rules from the No-Cancellation period apply and the market closes randomly within two minutes. After the period, therersquos order matching for all CAS securities. In cases where no closing price is established during the CAS, the reference price would become the closing price. This price would also be used for order matching based on matching priority, i. e. by order type, price and then time. Q32. What order types are allowed during CAS for HKEX 4:00 ndash 4:01pm: Reference Price Fixing Period No orders allowed 4:01 ndash 4:06pm: Order Input Period At-auction orders and at-auction limit order. Input, amendment and cancellation are allowed. 4:06 ndash 4:08pm: No Cancellation Period At-auction orders and at-auction limit order. Input is allowed. Amendment and cancellation are not allowed. 4:08 ndash 4:10pm: Random Closing Period At-auction orders and at-auction limit order. Input is allowed. Amendment and cancellation are not allowed. Q33. For HKEX, what is an at-auction order An at-auction order is an order with no specified price and is entered into the system for execution at the securitiesrsquo closing price determined in the CAS. It enjoys a higher order matching priority than an at-auction limit order and will be matched in time priority at the closing price in the CAS. Q34. For HKEX, what is an at-auction limit order An at-auction limit order is an order with a specified price. An at-auction limit order with a specified price at, or more competitive than, the closing price may be matched at the closing price. An at-auction limit order may be matched in price and time priority at the closing price. No at-auction limit order will be matched at a price worse than its specified price. Q35. What securities are covered under CAS for HKEX The CAS will be rolled out in two phases, with the list of securities further expanded in Phase 2. Phase 1 (to launch on 25 July 2016) will include all Hang Seng Composite LargeCap and MidCap index constituent stocks, H shares which have corresponding A shares listed on the exchanges in Mainland China and all ETFs. Subject to a review of Phase 1, Phase 2 will tentatively include all equity securities and funds. Q36. Is short selling allowed during the CAS for HKEX To allow the market to be familiar with the new CAS, short selling will not be implemented in the Phase 1 of the CAS. Hence, input of new short selling order during the CAS will not be allowed during the Phase 1 of the CAS. However, it should be noted that outstanding short selling orders, which are input during the Continuous Trading Session CTS) and with order prices higher than or equal to the lower price limit (i. e. order price gt95 of reference price), will be automatically carried forward to the CAS. All these orders will be treated as at-auction limit orders. On the other hand, if the outstanding short selling orders input during the CTS have a price lower than the lower limit (i. e. order price lt 95 of reference price), they will be cancelled and a message for order cancellation will be sent out by the system. For the short selling orders carried forward to the CAS, you are allowed to cancel and reduce the quantity of the orders during the CAS. In such cases the original order priority will be maintained. However, change of order price or increase of quantity of these orders during the CAS will not be allowed. Q37. Where can I find out more about CAS for HKEX You can refer to hkex. hkcasenindex. htm for more information on CAS. Q38. How does Volatility Control Mechanism (VCM) work for HKEXs securities market The Volatility Control Mechanism (VCM) is designed to prevent extreme price volatility from trading incidents such as a ldquoflash crashrdquo and algorithm errors, and to address systemic risks from the inter-connectedness of securities and derivatives markets. In the case of HKEXrsquos securities market VCM, if the price of a stock deviates more than 10 within five minutes, it will trigger a cooling-off period for five minutes. This provides a window allowing market participants to reassess their strategies, if necessary. It also helps to re-establish an orderly market during volatile market situations. Trading can still be carried out within the price limit during the cooling-off period. Q39. What securities are covered by VCM for HKEX In the securities market, the VCM will cover Hang Seng Index (HSI) and Hang Seng China Enterprise Index (HSCEI) constituent stocks (as of 31 May 2016 there were 81 such stocks listed on the HKEX). Q40. What is the applicable period for HKEXs VCM VCM is applicable during the continuous trading session (CTS), excluding: bull the first 15 minutes of the morning and afternoon trading session bull the last 15 minutes of the afternoon trading session There can only be one cooling-off period in the morning session and one in the afternoon session for a stock within a day. Q1. What are some of the user-friendly features of KE Trade Online Batch Order, which allows you to place up to 5 buysell orders at the Batch Order pagelet. 4Site, a multiple trading screen that has been pre-configured to display Watchlist, Orders, and BuySell pagelets. Your 4Site is also customizable add or remove the desired pagelets according to your preference. Personal Configuration under your Profile, allows you to check your Internet trading limit, trading representatives name and contact particulars, account details, and to update your personal details. Trade Summary displays actual trades done by price on a real-time basis. For example, how many bids or ask trades done at SGD1.50, SGD1.51, SGD1.52, or SGD1.53. This feature allows you to study the trend of buying and selling. Time and Sales displays actual transactions done for that particular stock sorted by time. Intra-day Charts which displays charts plotted on real-time basis with time and sales data supporting the charts Market Depth which displays the SGX-ST ready market of up to 20 levels of bid and offer prices. Market Depth is a subscription-based service for SGX-ST counters. Please enquire with Customer Service at (65) 6432 1888 or via e-mail at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg to find out more about this great feature. Q2. How do I subscribe to the SGX-ST Market Depth Service SGX-ST Market Depth Service is a subscription-based service. To subscribe for this service, please make a payment of SGD90 (3 months access) via CashChequeEPS or Internet banking Bill Payment Service. Kindly inform Customer Service at (65) 6432 1888 or via e-mail at helpdeskmaybank-ke. sg after you have made payment for the service. Access will be activated a day after the payment is received by us. Q3. What is the Historical Chart It is KE Trades online historical charting and analysis tool for counters listed on the SGX-ST, HKEX, Bursa, NYSE and NASDAQ. Q4. What are the benefits of using Historical Chart User-friendly and powerful online charting tool across SGX-ST, HKEX, Bursa, NYSE and NASDAQ. Availability of a wide range of counters - Stocks, ETFs, Warrants amp Indices. Access to historical quotes for up to 5 years for all counters listed on the SGX-ST and up to 3 years for all counters listed on the HKEX, Bursa, NYSE and NASDAQ. Ability to display tick-by-tick information for users with real-time access. Display and compare up to 3 different historical graphs simultaneously. Ability to define the duration and quantity of data to be displayed. View charts in different timescales - by daily, weekly or monthly resolutions. Study charts in different styles - OHLC Bars, Candlesticks and Line on Close. Customize and view multiple indicators on the chart. Utilize a comprehensive range of drawing tools to draw trendlines and add comments onto charts. Enjoy the option of saving or removing your template which can be configured to your preferred view, your displayed indicators, the parameters used to draw them and the size of the indicators. Ability to save and print your charts. Q5. How do I access Historical Chart Right-click on any counter in your Watchlist, Quotes, Account Management or Portfolio pages, and select Historical Chart from the Quick menu. Q6. What should I do if I face difficulties in launching Historical Chart Please note that Historical Chart requires JAVA. You may click on this link to download JAVA. After successful download, please run the file to install Microsoft Java. If you still face problems, please go to the menu in your Internet Explorer window and click on Tools gt Internet Options. Under the Security tab, click on the Internet icon, select Default Level, then click OK. If you are still unable to view Historical Chart, please clear your Internet Explorer Browser cache by clicking on Tools gt Internet Options gt General. Under the section Temporary Internet Files, click on the Delete Files button, then OK. After which, please relaunch your Internet Explorer Browser, by closing and reopening the window. If you have already installed JAVA and are using IE 8.0 please select No on the security warning pop-up. If you are still facing other issues, please contact Customer Services at (65) 6432 1888. Q7. Why is the closing price for some counters listed in Historical Chart different from the closing price displayed on SGX Charts The closing price listed in historical chart is adjusted based on corporate actions like dividends, fx shares, stock splits and etc. In the case of dividend payouts, the closing prices will be adjusted if the dividend value is at least 0.10 or 10 of the prevailing counter price. Q8. Will corporate actions such as dividend issues, fx issues, rights issues and stock splits be automatically adjusted and reflected in the historical charts It is an intuitive, graphic-rich tool to evaluate investment opportunities using principles of value investing. Identify undervalued stocks based on selection or choose from pre-constructed lists from different industry sectors. Q10. What is Technical Insight It is a chart pattern recognition and Technical Eventreg detection feature that offers insight on daily bullish or bearish trading opportunities, and provides email alerts and analysis on any selected stocks. Q11. How do I access Value AnalyzerTechnical Insight on KE Trade Online Click on Research gt Value AnalyzerTechnical Insight Trading Modules: Right click on a stock gt Select Value AnalyzerTechnical Insight Q12. What are the electronic trading risks which I need to take note of Live Prices The speed and quality of your internet connection will affect the performance and accuracy of live prices on our online trading platforms and mobile trading applications. connessione a Internet a banda larga è raccomandata per il trading online. Password Tenere sempre la password Internet di trading confidenziali e cambiare regolarmente. Svuota la cache e la storia browserrsquos dopo ogni sessione in modo che le informazioni dell'account viene rimosso. You are advised against using your browserrsquos ldquoAuto Completerdquo function to save your User ID and Password as this function stores and lists possible matches from entries that you have typed previously. Virus, spyware e Adwares Installare sempre l'ultimo software e spyware programmi anti-virus sul computer o cellulare. controlla regolarmente il computer o cellulare per mettere in quarantena ed eliminare qualsiasi virus, spyware o adware che può essere presente. Evitare di scaricare programmi e allegati e-mail provenienti da fonti sconosciute sospette. Phishing Il phishing è un atto di acquisizione di informazioni riservate come nome utente, password e dati della carta di credito, fingendosi come un'entità fidata in una comunicazione elettronica. Essa è tipicamente effettuata via e-mail o instant messaging, e spesso indirizza gli utenti a inserire i dati in un website. NEVER rivelare la tua password a nessuno. Diffidare di qualsiasi e-mail o un messaggio istantaneo che ti chiede di fornire informazioni sensibili conto. Se si riceve tali e-mail o messaggi istantanei, di non rispondere o cliccare sui link nella e-mail o un messaggio istantaneo. Rete wireless di rete wireless opere di inviare le informazioni tramite le onde radio in modo che possa essere più vulnerabili alle intrusioni. Ecco alcuni modi per mantenere la propria rete wireless sicura: Crea il tuo unico e difficile da indovinare Service Set Identifier (SSID). Modificare la password amministratore predefinito e il nome utente per il router. Orders In the electronic trading world, you may encounter situations where you are unable to withdraw erroneous orders in time due to the speed of the internet connection, or experience delays in order transmission and confirmation of order execution. Please contact your Trading Representative or our Customer Service if you require any assistance. 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